15 Examples of Conduct

Behavior is one of the patterns that characterize human beings and animals. Therefore, we will detail 15 examples of conduct and their characteristics.

What is conduct?

It is the pattern or form of behavior of the human being before society and at certain times. 

It is defined as the manifestation of actions or facts that adopt and characterize the human being in daily life and in certain situations.

Types of conduct

The conduct is divided into various types that each include a point of view or action, the latter carried out by the individual before society and in general.

First, they are classified according to their origin and can be instinctive or acquired (through learning).

For their part, from the point of view of intentionality, they are derived as involuntary and volitional. Meanwhile, the types of behavior according to the environment are divided into passive, assertive and aggressive.

As for emotional stability, they can be unstable or variable and stable.  On the other hand, behavior according to visibility can be overt and hidden.

Other behavioral patterns depend on society, some of which are harmful; others for the benefit of interaction with others.

15 examples of conduct

According to their types and classification, 15 examples of conduct and their characteristic patterns that identify them will be defined.

1. Acquired

This behavioral pattern is defined when the individual acquires skills or abilities through learning, hence its name.

For example, when we learn to ride a bicycle, tie our shoelaces, or read, these are some indications of behavior that is acquired through teaching.

2. Instinctive

They are innate abilities or sequence of patterns that appear from the primitive brain, being self-reflexes such as survival or habitat.

For example, yawning is an instinctive behavioral pattern, since it cannot be avoided and it appears spontaneously and without an apparent cause.

3. Manifest

For its part, this pattern is one of the examples of behavior and is expressed when an individual performs actions such as talking, walking, laughing or crying.

This type of behavior is closely related to the covert ones, since, when activated and expressed to the outside and its environment, they become manifest.

4. Covert

At the other end of the path, there are covert behaviors and they are patterns that are reflected inside the individual and are not externalized.

For example, a person who reflects or has his ‘mind elsewhere’ (in popular terms), has covert behavior without materializing.

5. Stable

For its part, stable behavior is a pattern of human behavior that occurs sequentially, regardless of the stimulus present.

An example of stable behavior is when an individual gets angry when dealing with a subject, from there, we can induce that person’s temperament.

In turn, it has a consistent relationship with temperament and the way the individual deals with situations of calm or anger.

6. Unstable

Meanwhile, the other extreme is the opposite of emotional stability and reveals some patterns or psychopathic traits of an individual.

According to its action, unstable behavior refers to manifestations in the individual’s behavior that are not predictable.

Which means that the individual will exercise a constant emotional lability and which will reflect in the way of acting and thinking in certain situations.

For example, an individual who laughs at a misfortune or a bad moment, when the sequential pattern should be sadness or irritability.

7. Prosocial

It is a behavioral pattern that refers to behavior that benefits the environment or community and that meets the established standards.

For example, adapting to the culture of a certain country or engaging in pleasant conversations with a group of friends.

8. Antisocial

It is an attitude that is highly dangerous and harmful to both the individual and the environment and society.

Therefore, they are described as antisocial behavior, which threatens the peace and stability of the community.

An example of this type of conduct is the crimes committed by individuals within said group, ranging from robberies to homicides.

9. Parasocials

Although it is not as serious as antisocial behavior, it has two different sides or points of view, depending on the perception of the environment.

For example, an individual with his attitudes can offend a group of people or, failing that, please a part of the individuals.

10. Aggressive

One of the examples of behavior is the aggressive pattern, which is characterized by the exalting response of a person to his environment.

To give an example of this behavior pattern, we define a person with a rude or humiliating attitude, who adopts this sequence in search of his own benefit.

11. Assertive

Assertive behavior consists of making own affirmations that may be common to the community or environment.

This type of behavior manifests diplomacy and the fundamental aspects to clarify situations and find a solution in the best possible way.

12. Passives

On the other hand, passive behavior is that the individual does not express their emotions in a certain situation, which may be disagreement or annoyance.

An example of this pattern is when a person is a passive smoker, but does not express his annoyance or disagreement, either due to low self-esteem or avoiding a problem.

13. Adaptive

It is when the individual delves into the changes that can be experienced in the environment and adapts to achieve the objectives set.

An example of this behavior is when a person is grieving and lets time pass until there is no pain and continues with his life.

14. Maladaptive

One of the examples of behavior is the maladaptive pattern, which consists of the action of an individual that goes against their physical and mental well-being.

For example, a person who eats a lot and does not exercise is making maladaptive patterns that can cause health problems.

15. Volunteers

Finally, voluntary behavior is one that an individual performs with the full knowledge of his faculties.

For example, a person going to a place for a meeting is a pattern of voluntary behavior.