10 Examples of Quality of Life

The quality of life is one that refers to the well-being that a person has in his life and his environment. 

An example of this is the environment where it develops, education and the economy.

1. Environment in which we develop

The environment in which a person develops determines many aspects of his life, both internally or mentally or externally, in how he develops in society.

A calm environment, in which there is access to basic services, a balanced diet and a healthy environment, affects the high standards of quality of life.

While, hostile environments such as armed conflicts, economic, political and cultural instability as well as family problems, are elements that reduce the amount of life of the population.

2. Social media

It is determined by the relationships that the individual has with the people that surround them, being their immediate family circle, as well as their friendly, educational and work circle.

The quality of life of the person is influenced by the positive experiences that contribute to the mental health of the individual.

3. Economic elements

These elements are essential for people to have access to housing, basic services, education and health. which basically translates as quality of life of the individual.

The lack of these elements leads to its decrease or inaccessibility to it.

4. Cultural elements

Depending on the society in which the individual lives, together with the economic elements, they determine the individual’s quality of life.

The culture establishes in some societies up to the degree of freedom that the person can have. Similarly, their sex and political  status.

Furthermore, understanding that in some territories cultural elements are determinant to have access to goods, services, work  and education.

5. Working conditions

Access to work and the type of work directly affects the quality of life of the individual.

The mental health of the person can be determined in part by a healthy work environment, in which respect solidarity and being recognized for good performance are important.

Problems in the work environment, both with peers and with superiors, as well as poor salaries lead to a decrease in the quality of life of the population.

6. Education

The population’s access to education is one of the variables that  affects its quality of life.

Quality education, as well as access to it up to the last educational level, is synonymous with high living standards.

A person who does not have a complete education finds it more difficult to find better paying jobs, which translates into better jobs and access to housing, transportation and even mental health.

7. Material elements

Material elements are understood as access to housing, transportation and savings. Those people who enjoy these benefits are generally within the quality of life standard

The lack of one of these elements greatly affects the life of the person, however, it is not decisive for the person or not to have high standards of living.

8. Social and leisure relationships

Access to coexistence with other human beings, as well as the enjoyment of moments of leisure and entertainment, are classified as quality of life standards.

Not only access to material possessions is important for the well-being of the person, but also access to individual and collective recreation.

This is generally achieved thanks to the economic well-being of the person, in the same way to the environment in which the person operates.

Which in turn is influenced by other elements such as work, family stability and the population’s access to education.

9. Sanitary elements

It is understood as the population’s access to both physical and mental health care.

Access to sanitary items is influenced by the person’s work items.

The emotional stability of the individual, which is determined by the environment in which he develops, also affects the quality of life of the population.

Likewise, it is decisive in the life expectancy of the population and how the individual is in the third age.

10. Security by the State

It is one in which the State has responsibility for the living standards of the population based on equipping citizens with basic services, quality education, as well as quality food and safety.

The quality of life of a nation’s population is linked to the country’s gross domestic product per capita, the Human Development Index (HDI) and the life expectancy of the population.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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