10 Barbiturates Overdose Symptoms

Barbiturates Overdose Symptoms.Barbiturates are central nervous system depressants that can be dangerous if misused or abused. Overdose can be life-threatening. Here are 10 symptoms of barbiturate overdose:

Barbiturates Overdose Symptoms

  1. Respiratory Depression: One of the most serious symptoms. Breathing may become slow, shallow, irregular, or it may stop altogether.
  2. Altered Mental Status: This can range from confusion or delirium to stupor or coma.
  3. Decreased Heart Rate (Bradycardia): Heartbeats can become slow and irregular.
  4. Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure): This can lead to dizziness, fainting, and increased risk of injury.
  5. Slurred Speech: Speech can become slow and difficult to understand.
  6. Poor Coordination: This includes stumbling, difficulty walking, and lack of balance.
  7. Decreased Body Temperature (Hypothermia): Overdose can lead to a dangerous drop in body temperature.
  8. Constricted Pupils: Pupils may become small and do not react well to light.
  9. Hyporeflexia: Diminished or absent reflexes.
  10. Bluish-colored Skin and Lips (Cyanosis): This indicates a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream.

If someone is suspected of having taken an overdose of barbiturates or any other substance, it is essential to call emergency services immediately. Time is of the essence in treating drug overdoses.

by Abdullah Sam
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