What Is The Importance of Bottom Up Reading Model

Bottom Up Reading Model is a system of reading instruction based on the theory that the learning of reading takes place by piecing together small parts, or phonic sounds, to form, first, a letter sound, and, eventually, a word sound. Learning takes place, in other words, from the bottom up, from sound to symbol to meaning.

The model is in contrast to the top-down model, in which children learn entire words by sight, by the distinctive shape of the word, rather than individual letters. Such children must then gradually take the word apart to learn each letter and its sound.


Experienced teachers recognize, however, that all children use both methods to some degree. Some children learn sight words more easily than others and instinctively distinguish words by the total shape of the word — pizza, for example, as opposed to cat. Other children, however, seem unable to distinguish entire words when first learning to read and are almost totally dependent on “sounding out” the word, letter by letter.

Importance of Bottom Up Reading Model In Reading Comprehension.

Studying means reading first of all, but reading is not the subject of a course. Whether it is about learning or evaluation, reading is at the center of school work and, School success is not the final or only goal of reading, perhaps the fundamental purpose of the reading act is to establish relationships between what is written, what is known and what needs to be done. However, it must be admitted that there is no intrinsic relationship between understanding a text and using the written word.

The teacher is an important mediator between the student and the written text; in some way it determines the student’s encounter with the decoding processes of the written word. Frequently, the teacher unconsciously influences the attitudes and values ​​of students. In effect, teachers are models that are observed and learned and, therefore, play a critical role in students’ attitudes towards reading.

The Bottom-Up Reading Model emphasizes the importance of individual letters and words in the process of reading comprehension. Unlike the Top-Down Reading Model, which starts with a broader context, background knowledge, and predictions, the Bottom-Up Model begins at the most basic level of reading: the decoding of letters into sounds and the combination of these sounds into words.

Here are some key points about the importance of the Bottom-Up Reading Model:

  1. Foundational Literacy Skills: It underscores the importance of phonemic awareness, phonics, and the ability to decode words. These are foundational skills for early readers, as they must first learn to recognize and process the letters and sounds that make up words.
  2. Word Recognition: The model highlights the process of developing word recognition skills. As readers become more proficient, they move from decoding words letter by letter to recognizing whole words by sight. This transition is crucial for reading fluency and efficiency.
  3. Reading Accuracy: Focusing on the smallest units of language (such as phonemes and graphemes) helps ensure reading accuracy. By decoding words systematically, readers are less likely to misinterpret the text.
  4. Reading Fluency: Over time, the Bottom-Up approach contributes to reading fluency, as repeated exposure to words and systematic phonics instruction help readers recognize words more quickly and with less effort.
  5. Support for Struggling Readers: For readers who struggle, particularly those with dyslexia or other reading difficulties, the Bottom-Up Model provides a structured approach to reading that can address specific deficits in decoding and word recognition.
  6. Scientific Evidence: Research in cognitive science and educational psychology supports the effectiveness of phonics-based instruction, a key component of the Bottom-Up Model, in teaching reading, especially for beginning readers.
  7. Building Blocks for Higher-Level Skills: Although the Bottom-Up Model focuses on the mechanical aspects of reading, these are essential building blocks for higher-level comprehension skills. Once a reader can decode text efficiently, they can devote more cognitive resources to understanding and interpreting the meaning of the text.
  8. Applicability Across Languages: The principles of the Bottom-Up Model are applicable in the instruction of reading in many alphabetic languages, making it a versatile approach in multilingual education contexts.

It’s important to note that while the Bottom-Up Reading Model provides a fundamental approach to reading instruction, most educators and researchers now advocate for a balanced approach that incorporates both Bottom-Up and Top-Down strategies. This balanced approach recognizes the importance of both decoding skills and the use of contextual cues and background knowledge in reading comprehension.

by Abdullah Sam
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