Insured capital

The insured capital, in the field of insurance , is the maximum compensation limit in the event of an accident. This amount arises from the agreement between the insurancecompany and its client. The calculation of …

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Capex (capital expenditure), in Spanish capital expenditure, is the investment in capital or fixed assets that a company makes either to acquire, maintain or improve its non-current assets . It is explained …

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Digital canon

The digital fee or by private copy is the fee imposed when acquiring an electronic medium capable of producing, storing or reproducing content  for possible copies that can be made in …

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Donchian Channel

The Donchian channel is a technical trend-type indicator represented as a dynamic stock market based on price movements. The Donchian channel is a technical indicator, since it is part of the technical analysis. In …

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Cameralism is an economic current focused on the administrative management of a territory in order to achieve stimuli for its economic growth, being considered as the basis of the current …

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