What Is Kinesics In Communication;3 Examples You Must Know

What Is Kinesics In Communication;3 Examples You Must Know

Kinesics is the study of body motion as a form of communication. It is the most familiar type of nonverbal communication and it includes such areas as gestures, facial expressions, and eye movement.   Kinesics Gestures. Gestures are one of the most obvious and common forms of nonverbal communication, and they are often used in … Read more

5 Functions of Nonverbal Communication In Communication Process

5 Functions of Nonverbal Communication In Communication Process

Functions of non verbal communication are being discussed here.Nonverbal communication performs several identifiable functions in the process of communication, including (1) the expression of feelings and emotions, (2) the regulation of interaction, (3) the validation of verbal messages, (4) the maintenance of self-image, and (5) the maintenance of relationships. At any time in an interaction, … Read more

What Are 8 Models Of Communication In Communication Process.

Researchers have constructed many models of communication in attempts to reduce the complexity of the human process. These models, which are primarily word-picture diagrams, try to impose Some pattern on a process that is intricate and complex. However, models are never perfect. Because of their very nature, models cannot include all the elements of the process … Read more

Why Human Communication Is Multidimensional

Why Human Communication Is Multidimensional

Why Human communication is Multidimensional? A third assumption is that human communication is multidimensional. When human communication takes place, it occurs on two levels. One level can be characterized as the dimension and the other as the relationship dimension.In human Communication, these two dimensions are inextricably bound together. The content dimension of communication refers to … Read more

What Is Health Communication;What Does It Do

What Is Health Communication;What Does It Do

Health communication is narrower in scope than human communication. Health communication is a subset of human Communication that is concerned with how individuals deal with health-related issues. In health communication, the focus is on specific health-related transactions and factors that influence these transactions. Transactions can be verbal or nonverbal, oral or written, personal or impersonal, … Read more

5 Universal Importance of Communication In Human Life

5 Universal Importance of Communication In Human Life

Importance of Communication cannot be denied in all sectors of life.We spend more time communicating than doing anything else. We talk, listen, have dialogues With ourselves, participate in group discussions, interview or are interviewed, and so forth. From birth to death, communication shapes our personal, professional, and social lives. Personal Values And Importance of Communication. … Read more