Buzz Aldrin

Edwin Eugene Aldrin , known as Buzz Aldrin ( New Jersey , January 20 , 1930 ) is an American engineer, USAF pilot and retired astronaut. After Neil Armstrong , he was the second human to set foot on the Moon. Biographical summary Studies After completing his primary education, he studied at the West Point Military Academy , from which he graduated with a degree in Science in 1951 , … Read more

Qin Dynasty

Qin Dynasty . After the Zhou Dynasty collapsed, seven separate states fought each other for control of China . Ultimately, the Qin state emerged victorious, establishing a strongly authoritarian empire. Emperor Qin Shi Huang abolished the states and established a strong central government that practiced ruthless authority, efficient administration, and a strict legal code. History The warlike Qin … Read more

Lao Tse

Lao Tse (China, 4th century BC). Chinese philosopher with a mythical aura, whose name means “old master”. He is the founder of Taoism . His main ideas were that people have to live in harmony and balance with nature. A famous thought from his book is: “He who knows, does not speak; he who speaks, does not know.” … Read more

Margaret Mitchell

Margaret Mitchell . The creator of the famous work that gave rise to the anthology film Gone with the Wind, which was a resounding success, both as a literary work and as a film. It was translated into all languages, including Braille. Biographical Summary Childhood and Youth Margaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta , United States of America on November 8, 1900 , to … Read more

Bob Dylan

Robert Zimmerman , known by his stage name Bob Dylan ( Minnesota , May 24 , 1941 ) is an American folk and rock singer, songwriter and poet , one of the great figures of contemporary popular music. [1]In 2016 he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Biographical summary He was born Robert Allen Zimmerman on May 24, 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota , where his father worked for an oil company. In 1947 the family moved to … Read more

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Miller Hemingway ( Chicago , July 21 , 1899 – Idaho , July 2 , 1961 ). American writer and journalist whose work, already considered a classic in 20th century literature, has exerted a notable influence both for the sobriety of his style and for the tragic elements and the portrait of an era that it represents. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. Passionate about hunting , fishing and adventure, … Read more