How to Remove Pinterest Boards

Pinterest is created for users according to their tastes and preferences to save and classify information on boards, the information provided by this network is very varied, you will find topics on travel, decoration, cinema, cooking, makeup, sports, fashion and much more. It also allows you to follow other members with the same tastes. In this article you can find more information about this wonderful platform.

Index( )

  1. Are the pins erased when I delete a board from Pinterest?
  2. Delete multiple boards from Pinterest with a single tap
  3. How to convert a board to a sub-board and vice versa on Pinterest?
  4. Organize your boards and pins with Socinator
  5. How to repin your Pinterest account

Are the pins erased when I delete a board from Pinterest?

Yes, that’s why when deleting a board you must be careful, you must be sure that it is the board you want to delete, since after deleting it also the pins you have will disappear and there is no going back, it cannot be recovered .

If you have created boards and it turns out that their information no longer interests you, you have the option of archiving it in case in the future you want something from there, it will be at the bottom of your profile, once there it will only serve to consult you, you will not be able to add pins and it won’t be public.

Delete multiple boards from Pinterest with a single tap

To eliminate those boards that no longer interest you,  there are two ways to do it, you can use the web or if you have the application you can do it directly, it is simple in both ways.

If you use the web this is what you should do, go to Pinterest , after logging in you will see in the bar below an image of a little person, tap there, then you will see your tables with their pins, you just have to look for the board that you are going to delete, if there are many boards you have you can use the magnifying glass to find it faster, now you are going to select it when the board is opened at the top you will see four icons choose the pencil, now you just have to look for the delete board option ,  give accept and voila disappeared forever.

If you are using the application, the steps are similar, after logging into your account, touch your profile in the lower right-hand corner, you will see the boards, find the one you want to delete, open it and then touch the three-point option that It’s at the top, choose edit board and look for the delete and delete option to confirm , that’s it, you’ve deleted the board, if you want to delete several you just have to follow the same steps.

How to convert a board to a sub-board and vice versa on Pinterest?

If you want to save your pins in one place, the best option is to merge them, you can do them with any board or sub-board that is in your profile, this is a way to keep your profile in order, go ahead and turn the boards into sub-boards , let’s see how:

After logging into your account, you open your profile, there are all the boards, look for the one you are going to merge and click on the three points that are next to the name of the board, choose to merge and to finish click on move pins and delete board . If you want to know more about the process visit

Organize your boards and pins with Socinator

Socinator is a good ally for those people who use social networks to increase their income or make themselves known and progress in the business, since Socinator helps the impact on social networks be greater and in less time. If you let Socinator organize your Pinterest account your growth will be faster, it can automatically create pins or boards, and publish them in due time, making sure to keep your account interesting and that your followers always have something new.

How to repin your Pinterest account

A repin is to share a pin that another person posted, if you go to a pin and tap on repin then you look for the board where you want to share the pin and you click on pin you will be done. You can save the pin, change the description, you can also share it with other social networks. You can also interact and like the publications, you just have to dare to use this social network and grow in every way.


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