Genshin Impact: How to Find Posters and Notice Boards in Mondstadt

The story missions in Genshin Impact will have you climbing everywhere. On the roofs of houses, in caves, and underwater. In Mondstadt, we will have our first such adventure with a search for posters and office boards. We will talk about which quest this goal is tied to and how to complete it below.

Genshin Impact: How to Find Posters and Notice Boards in Mondstadt.

Finding posters and notice boards is part of the side quests in the Mondstadt region. In the quest “Suffering After the Storm”, a Knight from the Ordo Favonius named Aramis will ask you for help. He needs to collect papers scattered by the storm, but his knees hurt, and he is unable to do it himself. 

To get the quest, you need adventure rank level 30. You can find Aramis in the main square in front of the Archon statue. Talk to him and he will give you the quest “Suffering After the Storm”. From the knight you will learn that the storm interfered with some merchants and tore down their posters and carried away the notice boards. 

Where to look

In total, you will need to find 3 posters and 1 board. You don’t have to go far – all the items are in the city. The game does not give any special instructions, it only marks the general area in which you can search, there are no other markers. In order not to send you to look for the necessary items on the streets, we give you a hint: climb onto the roof.

This can be done using the windmill, or via the teleporter on the roof of the Ordo Favonius. This way you can easily find the first poster.

Roof at Ordo Favonius

The first papers can be found near the teleport on the roof of the Knights’ headquarters. Look at the screenshot below. We have marked the approximate location of the posters on it. All you have to do is get to the house and pick them up.

Roof of the shop

The second point is a shop with goods for general use. It is located near the alchemy table in the very center of Mondstadt. As you can already guess, we climb onto the roof again and take the second quest item. 

Roof near the forge

Southwest of the forge where Wagner operates, you can find the third quest item. Again, for a better understanding, look at the screenshot below. You can also distinguish the building by the Hydro seal on the door, or, if you have already completed the story quests, you will know that Mona lives there. 

You will need to climb onto the roof of the building and pick up the papers. 

City wall

Well, at the very end we climb the city wall. You can do this right from the building near the forge, but you’ll have to run a bit. The item we need is at the northern gate of the city. 


Once everything is collected, you can return to Aramis and hand him the quest. You can find the NPC near the Barbatos Cathedral in the central square of Mondstadt. The knight will thank you for your help and give you game rewards:

  • x6 Hero Experience;
  • x100 Adventure Experience;
  • x20,000 Mora;
  • x20 Mondstadt Reputation Points;
  • x3 Smoked Chicken dishes.   

Now you know how to complete the quest “Suffering After the Storm” and collect notice boards and posters in the city. Use our guide and look in the “Related Articles” section to read even more interesting things about Genshin Impact.