Silver Marten Rabbit

Silver Marten rabbit. It is the result of a mutation in Chinchilla litters. Some breeders introduced Black Tan bloodlines into the breed to improve color and pattern, some of these mixes were retained, one of which happened to be the Silver Marten.


The first standard, in 1927, referred to the black and chocolate varieties . Later, blue and sable varieties were accepted. These 4 varieties are what we find today in the Silver Marten.


  • The black Silver Marten is the most popular variety of this breed. The black must be intense, with well-marked silver reflections. The undercoat should be blue and the eyesdark brown.
  • Blue Silver Marten are the second most popular variety. The blue color should be uniform throughout the body. The eyes are grayish blue. The silver reflection is less intense.
  • The chocolate variety should be dark in color. The undercoat color is a lighter chocolate. The eyes are brown. They tend to become lighter with age.
  • The Sable variety is the least common of all. The Sable is sepia to brown in color, with lighter color on the sides and belly. The face, ears, tail and the outside of the feet should be a very dark sepia brown, practically black. When they hatch, they are silver in color.