How To Type Backslash On My Keyboard –

If you are typing on a site and you want to place the backslash but you cannot find it on your keyboard; It may be because a specific command is needed to write it. This symbol is often used in math and occasionally in folder titles, so you need to know how to position it from your keyboard.

Index(  )

  1. What is the procedure for typing the backslash on your keyboard?
    1. From a Windows PC
    2. Using a Linux system computer
    3. From a macOS
  2. Why can’t you do the backslash correctly on your PC?
    1. Misconfigured keyboard

What is the procedure for typing the backslash on your keyboard?

There are special or hidden symbols that need a specific command to appear in the writing, these symbols may not be visible on the keys of your keyboard as some are, which are usually accompanied by others on the keys .

There are hidden symbols in the letters or numbers on your keyboard and they require a command to be typed, it is important to mention that there are commands that correspond to a type of keyboard or operating system and may vary between them . So you have to find the command that corresponds to your team to be able to write the backslash .

From a Windows PC

The ‘backslash’, ‘backslash’, ‘backslash’ or ‘backslash’ has a special command to be typed from a computer with Windows 10, 8 or 7 system . In case your keyboard has the numeric bar , you can make this symbol appear by pressing the ‘shift’ and ‘7’ keys at the same time; done this, you will see the symbol written on the screen.

Using a Linux system computer

If you have tried to place the backslash and have not succeeded, perhaps you are entering a wrong typing command or perhaps your keyboard does not have this symbol visible as other keyboards of other types of equipment would.

From Linux, you can place the backslash by pressing the Alt key and ‘at the same time, this command will make possible the appearance of the backslash when typing, the combination of the Shift and’ keys will also make it possible to write this symbol.

If you have access to a numeric keyboard, you can proceed to type this symbol through a command that includes numbers; To do it, you must press ‘Alt’ and then press the number 9 and then 2. This command is not useful for those who do not have access to the numeric keyboard , but if you can access it, you can use this shortcut to type the bar inverted.

Since the typing commands vary according to the type of keyboard that is being used; It might be useful to know that from a German keyboard, the backslash appears when pressing ‘Alt’ next to ‘shift’ and the number 7.

From a macOS

From the keyboard of your MacOS computer, the backslash appears when entering the command corresponding to this type of keyboard; in this case, the commands that can display the backslash are:

  • Alt + 7.
  • Alt + Shift.
  • Alt + Shift + /.

In case your keyboard cannot write the backslash through some of the commands that we have shown you here, there is an option that can make you avoid the use of writing commands ; Although it may be somewhat uncomfortable for some people, it is the solution to the typing command error.

This option or trick is about copying and pasting the backslash from a browser or from a text that is within your reach and that has this symbol among its writings. To make the copy, you must open the place where you will take the backslash and keep selecting the symbol in question, choose the option of ‘copy’ and then enter the space where you are writing to select ‘paste’ in the place you want, too You can paste the text using the Control + V command.

Why can’t you do the backslash correctly on your PC?

There are a number of reasons why write commands are not successful; It is important to emphasize that there are several commands that strictly correspond to a specific type of keyboard, so you will have to know that if you have entered a command that does not correspond to your keyboard, it will not have the effect you expect.

Misconfigured keyboard

If your keyboard has an error in its configuration; you can configure it so that it responds correctly to the commands you enter in it. Not all keyboards will process the commands you type in the mere way you expect, before you must configure what will happen when you press certain keys .

From Windows, you must access ‘Control Panel’. Choose the ‘Regional and Language Options’ option and press the ‘Details’ option; You will see a new window that will allow you to select the language you want your keyboard to play; in this case, it will be Spanish, so you must select ‘Spanish-Traditional’ ( if your @ is on the number 2 key ).

If your @ is on the letter Q key, you must select the option ‘Spanish-International Literacy’; This is because this keyboard is the one used in Latin America. You can see the difference in various keys and their functions depending on the keyboard; for example, North American keyboards do not have the letter Ñ key , unlike keyboards seen in Latin America.

Maybe your keyboard has problems executing the commands due to problems in its structure and not in its configuration as you thought, it is good to test if all the keys work correctly; if not, it can be solved with a little maintenance or repair if necessary . In an extreme case, you could buy a new keyboard and configure it.