How to trim the music from my videos on TikTok to sync the audio?

Music is a global instrument, which helps connect people through its melodies, and TikTok knows this very well, since it is what made it grow so quickly, by allowing people to post a fragment of their favorite music, in their videos, and with it make phonemics, simulating that they are singing.

Even singing with your own voice, in turn also allows users who do not have the gift of singing, to show their other talents , such as acting and dancing.

How to Trim the Music from my TikTok Videos to Sync the Audio?

Now, if you want to learn how to trim TikTok audios , don’t worry, because today, we are going to give you this little guide and learn how to easily trim those audios and color them in your TikTok videos.

Index( )

  1. How to trim a song that is five minutes long without cutting the video?
  2. What to do to add two or more cut songs in the same TikTok video?
    1. From an iPhone device
    2. Using Android cell phones
  3. How to export a TikTok with different songs and excellent video quality?

How to trim a song that is five minutes long without cutting the video?

If you are going to use any of the audios that are available in the sound gallery that TikTok has, the first thing you should do is the following:

  1. The first thing you need to do is have the TikTok appdownloaded on your phone and have a personal account.
  2. After you have entered the TikTok application, you will be directed to a central part of your screen where an icon (➕) appears. 
  3. After you have found the recording icon, you will load on the right sideof the screen the images or photos that you want to appear in the video, or simply click in the middle and you can choose the seconds that you want the video to last.
  4. After the video has been loaded, you must search for the sound that you want to appear, in the sounds section, then you will search for the song that interests you, when you click play next to it, some () will appear,which It tells you that you can trim the audio, to place it in the fragment of the song that you like.

In turn, you can also upload this action, if you decide, to upload a sound simulation video , but to do this, first, you must select the audio you want to imitate, which you can select in another user’s video or by going to your camera and select at the top where it says add sound.

And later you give the option to use this audio, later, you go to the options that are on the  right side of the screen, (?), and you will locate that icon, with this you can cut your audio

What to do to add two or more cut songs in the same TikTok video?

To be able to add two or more cut songs in the same TikTok video, you must have a video editor either from a mobile phone or that you have on your PC, then you must follow the steps that we are going to indicate so that you can do it now be it from an iPhone phone from an Android.

From an iPhone device

If you decide to do it from your iPhone, you should look in the application store of your phone for an application to edit the video, such as Instashot or the Capcut application to put several videos , which is available in both mobile and web versions, In turn, these two applications allow you to add both video or various sounds in your video.

Using Android cell phones

If you decide to edit the video on an Android cell phone, these are the applications mentioned above, they are a good option, however, in this operating system, you can find other options such as the application called VivaVideo, Video. Guru, among many more.

Which allow you to create videos with different audios, and then you can export them to your social networks, in this case it would be Tiktok.

On the other hand, tiktok not only serves to create funny videos with funny voice effects, or filters for your face and body, but also has an option in which you can chat with users by sending direct messages to the people who follow you. or that you follow, in this way, you will be more in contact with your audience.

How to export a TikTok with different songs and excellent video quality?

After you have already created your video, in one of the aforementioned applications, you must proceed to export your video in its highest quality. To later save it either on your phone or computer, after this you will go to the application or, failing that, to the TikTok website and load the video.

After you click publish, Tiktok will automatically start uploading the video to later post it to your personal account. With this we end our article, I hope you liked it, and you have learned how to trim tiktok audio.


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