How to reset an Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S controller?

satisfy the needs of its public , and maintain competition with the PlayStation 5 and other direct competitors. As in previous versions, it is still possible  to download games on the Xbox with the console turned off without stopping  to save time and energy.

How to Reset an Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S Controller? – Solution for Gamers

The main advantage that the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles have is that both at the hardware and software level, they are superior to the rest of the competition. In addition to being compatible with practically all games from old versions. Due to being a recent console, there is still some ignorance regarding it, so today we will teach you  how to reset an Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S controller.


  1. What is the procedure to reset a controller easily?
    1. Turn off your controller correctly
    2. Turn off your console and then unpair your controller
    3. Turn on your Xbox and press ‘Pairing’
    4. Activate ‘Pairing’ on your controller
    5. Confirm that your Xbox and controller are paired
  2. How to correctly update your controller if it is not enough to restart it?
  3. How to prevent a control from turning off in the middle of your games?
    1. add new batteries
    2. Connect the controller and your Xbox with a Micro-USB
    3. Desenchufa tu Xbox
  4. How do you fix a controller that won’t turn on?
    1. Check that the battery contacts work
    2. Updating the firmware
    3. Contact Xbox Support

What is the procedure to reset a controller easily?

Despite being one of the most modern consoles on the market today, the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S can still  have problems with the console controls.  These problems even extend to the Xbox One controls and when using the console remotely from the mobile. However, these issues are not serious console failures and can be easily fixed.

Generally these problems occur due to an internal processing problem in the console, although on certain occasions it can also happen because the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S controllers  are not configured correctly  and therefore cannot establish a stable connection with the console. In such situations, you should follow the steps below to easily reset a controller.

Turn off your controller correctly

The first method that you have available to correctly turn off the controller of the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles, is by  holding down the central Xbox button  that appears on the controller for 6 seconds, once the determined period of time has passed. the light on the central Xbox button will turn off, and with this you can determine that the controller has been turned off without problems.

On the other hand, you can also correctly turn off the controller of the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles, leaving the central button with the Xbox icon on the controller pressed for 3 seconds and in such a way, on the screen where the console  , a pop- up window will appear  with the option to Disable the controller available, in order to turn it off correctly.

Turn off your console and then unpair your controller

Taking into account that we are dealing with recent next-generation consoles, there is still some ignorance about the standard option to turn off the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles, because through this method what the console  really does is suspend itself from temporarily , to then charge all the components faster when it is turned on again.

Therefore, the standard option to turn off the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles  can deteriorate them in the long term , so it is always recommended to perform a complete shutdown when you stop using the console and therefore prolong its time. of life without having to carry out constant maintenance. To carry out this process, you just have to follow the following instructions.

  • The first thing you need to do is turn on one of the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles to  enter the Settings panel , which you can do from the main screen or from the console’s controller drop-down menu.
  • In the options column on the left hand side of the screen,  click on the General section and then on the Power and startup mode option.
  • In the next menu you will have the option to turn off the console after a period of inactivity, as well as  the option to turn off completely.
  • Click on the last mentioned option and in the next window mark Turn off. Finally, a new menu will appear where you will have to  click on Turn off console to finish the process.
  • It is important to mention that in the last menu, you will also have options available to  turn off the controller and restart the console. Although unlike  doing a reset on Xbox One , the reset process on this console is faster and more effective in solving problems.

The main advantage of the process to completely turn off the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles is that when you do so  , the console controller will be automatically unlinked , to save you time in the process and thus be able to skip to the next step.

Turn on your Xbox and press ‘Pairing’

To continue with the process, you must turn on your Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S console by  holding down the button with the Xbox icon on the console for a few seconds , then the Xbox Series console startup animation will start on the screen X and Xbox Series S until proceed to the normal home screen. This process is quite simple, so if you have problems with it, you will have to contact technical service and report your problem.

Once the console is turned on you will have to press the Pairing button, so that it can scan for devices to which it can be linked as a remote. You can find this button on the front of your Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S console, you have to keep  it pressed for 2 or 3 seconds  until the lights next to it start to blink.

Activate ‘Pairing’ on your controller

Now you must perform the same step previously explained but in reverse. That is, you have to activate the Pairing button on the Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S controller, so that it can be linked to the console without any inconvenience. This button  can be found at the top of the controller , right next to the USB port.

Just like on the console, you need to keep the Pairing button pressed for 2-3 seconds  until the lights start blinking.  As it begins to sync, you may notice that the glowing Xbox logo that appears on both devices also begins to blink. The process for them to find and sync should take a few seconds, especially if they are both close to each other.

Confirm that your Xbox and controller are paired

Once you’ve completed the sync process between your Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S console and your controller, you’ll need to confirm that no issues occurred during the process and that your controller paired successfully. You can check that the controller is connected to the console easily, since you only have  to use it to navigate the Xbox main menu  and test if all the buttons are working.

In the event that the controller presents problems and does not work within the Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S console, you will have to redo all the previously explained steps from the beginning to make sure that you have not made a mistake, and also to  rule out that you did not whether it is an internal problem of the console or the controller , that they need maintenance or be updated to correct errors.

How to correctly update your controller if it is not enough to restart it?

If after performing all the steps to restart the Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S console repeatedly and it still does not work, it is most likely that  the components of the controller are outdated  and therefore need to be updated . Luckily, this is a fairly simple process which you can do in several ways, as we will explain below.

First method:  The fastest and easiest solution to update the controller of an Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S console, is by connecting the controller to the console with a USB-C cable, since when connected to the Xbox it begins to update automatically in the background. If the connection starts to fail during this process, make sure the controller is connected correctly or try connecting it with a different USB-C cable.

Second method:  The other option that you have available to update the controller of an Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S console is a little longer, since you must do it through a Windows computer, in which you must enter the  application Xbox accessories  and connect your controller to your computer with a USB cable or wireless adapter. Once it connects to the computer, a pop-up window will appear indicating that there is an update required.

How to prevent a control from turning off in the middle of your games?

If after all connection and sync issues with your Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S console have been resolved, your controller works fine but still turns off in the middle of games, you may be experiencing  a controller battery issue. .  This is a problem that you can easily solve by applying any of the following methods.

add new batteries

En este tipo de situaciones lo primero que debes hacer es comprar baterías nuevas y agregarlas al control, luego comienza a utilizarlo para comprobar si el problema persiste o ya se encuentra solucionado. Si no vuelve a repetirse el problema, lo más probable es que las baterías viejas que estabas utilizando se encontraban descargadas por completo y estaban ocasionando dicho problema.

Para prevenir este problema, siempre debes estar al tanto de la barra que aparece en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla cuando tienes la consola Xbox Series X o Xbox Series S encendida, dicha barra se encarga de indicar el nivel de batería del mando en tiempo real. Si cuentas con varios mandos conectados a la consola, la barra de batería solo indicará el nivel del mando principal con el cual hayas encendido la consola.

Es recomendado comprar el Xbox Play y Kit de carga USB-C, para poder jugar tranquilamente sin sufrir estos problemas, puesto que este kit de carga incluye baterías recargables, las cuales pueden ser cargadas incluso mientras estás jugando. Aparte, la carga de la batería se completa en un tiempo menor a 4 horas y estás cuentan con una duración de hasta 40 horas de juego continuas.

Conecta el mando y tu Xbox con un Micro-USB

Si las baterías del mando se encuentran descargadas y no cuentas con un kit de carga con baterías recargables, la opción más sencilla que tienes para continuar jugando sin reemplazar las baterías es a través de conectar el mando a la consola Xbox Series X o Xbox Series S con un cable Micro-USB. De esta manera podrás jugar todo el tiempo que quieras en la consola, sin la necesidad de cambiar las baterías del mando.

Desenchufa tu Xbox

Por último y en caso que ninguno de los métodos previamente mencionados funcione, es recomendado apagar la consola Xbox Series X o Xbox Series S completamente siguiendo los pasos explicados anteriormente. Luego, desenchufa todos los cables del Xbox y vuelve a conectarlo, enciéndelo para sincronizar el mando nuevamente con la consola y comprobar que el problema haya sido solucionado.

Si el problema se resuelve de esta manera, es probable que algún problema interno haya ocurrido al iniciar la consola previamente y por lo tanto, necesitaba volver a iniciar de forma correcta. Esto es algo común que ocurre con cualquier consola, así que no debes preocuparte a menos que comience a ocurrir regularmente, en tal caso es recomendado contactar con servicio técnico para hacer mantenimiento a la consola.

¿De qué forma se repara un control que no enciende?

Por otro lado, en caso que el control del Xbox no quiera encender incluso después de añadirle baterías nuevas o conectarlo directamente a la consola con un cable USB, es posible que este se encuentre presentando un problema de software o hardware. Por lo tanto, debes aplicar los siguientes métodos para solucionar problemas.

Comprueba que los contactos de las pilas funcionen

Primero que nada y por muy obvio que parezca, comprueba que las pilas insertadas en el mando están conectadas correctamente, puesto que en muchas ocasiones estás suelen ser colocadas al revés. Además de ello, debes comprobar que los contactos de las pilas y del mando se encuentren funcionando, y no estén presentando ningún tipo de desgaste u oxido en ellas, lo cual puede ocasionar este tipo de problemas.

Actualizando el firmware

If the Xbox controller only works by connecting it with a cable and when you disconnect it, it turns off again, you can solve the problem by reconnecting it to the console with a USB cable and press the Xbox button to open the options menu, then in the Profile and system section mark on the option Configuration > Devices and connection > Accessories.

Within the accessories menu, enter the Xbox Wireless Control screen, mark the icon in the form of three ellipsis (…) to check the firmware of the controller. If an update is available, the Update button will appear on the screen. After your controller is updated, disconnect the USB cable to use it wirelessly.

Contact Xbox Support

If after performing all of the methods above, your Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S controller still doesn’t work, you’ll need to contact Xbox Support to report your issue. You can contact Xbox support by creating or signing up for an Xbox Live Microsoft account from a PC or laptop , but you can also contact support where you bought the console.


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