How can I write Roman numerals in Word? – On my cell phone or PC

Word is an excellent tool that comes from the Microsoft Office office suite, where you can create an account very easily.

Said software has become the main reference worldwide for drafting any type of document, providing us with an incredible number of options to make modifications, text alignment and margins , in our pages or documents, managing to facilitate this process. task enormously.

How Can I Write Roman Numerals in Word? – On my cell phone or PC

Now, if we want to make the most of its capabilities, we cannot depend entirely on our discovery skills and intuition, so here we present a short article where you can discover an interesting Word option that will allow us to enter characters that are not found in keyboard.

Index( )

  1. What are the best places to place Roman numerals?
    1. In a paragraph of text in Word
    2. Inside the footer of the document
    3. In the text index section
  2. How do I put Roman numerals on PC in Word depending on the version I have?
    1. Word 2010 or earlier
    2. Word 2019
  3. How can I write Roman numerals with my mobile keyboard in Word?
  4. What other numbers are popular to use instead of Roman numbers in Word?
    1. Arabic numerals
  5. How to combine the use of Roman and Arabic numerals in the same document?

What are the best places to place Roman numerals?

To begin with, the special characters are an option that comes from old Word options, being an initial concern of the developers because the conventional keyboard does not have the appropriate symbology to make certain modifications when writing. Some of the common uses that these types of symbols usually have are the following:

In a paragraph of text in Word

Roman numerals, beyond being a form of ancient writing, are continuously used today for various functions, being one of the first to highlight in this aspect the use within a paragraph to write as bullets to indicate divisions in paragraphs.

Inside the footer of the document

Another quite popular use that is attributed to Roman numerals is focused on their numerical order characteristic , so to ensure that readers can have a better reading order, these numbers are usually used on the first pages of the preceding texts. to the body of the general text as numbering for each page.

In the text index section

Continuing with the idea of ​​the footer in the documents, we have that this enumeration is not usually limited only to the pages, since we can also find it at the beginning of the documents in the indexes , thus detailing the sections before the body of the text with Roman numerals. and the body of the text with normal numbers.



How do I put Roman numerals on PC in Word depending on the version I have?

Once we have understood the different functionalities that these special characters have, we need to know how to activate them in our Word documents, which is achieved in the following way:

Word 2010 or earlier

For those who have the version of Word 2010 and its predecessors active, the process to change the page numbering in Roman numerals is somewhat different from the 2019 version , for this we will have to go to the insert section and click on page numbering. page.

Once the numbering has been generated, we will only have to go to modify the page number format and there we can change the page number to Roman numerals . In the case of paragraphs, we will only have to go to the beginning and look for the bullets option.

Word 2019

If we want to do it automatically in Word 2019, we just have to go to “start” and look for the “paragraph” section, within this we look for the “bullets” option and there we will find the options for Roman numerals.

To place it in the footer, we just have to click on the last section of the page, go to the top and look for the headers and footer option, then look for page format and finally insert the numbering in Roman numerals .

How can I write Roman numerals with my mobile keyboard in Word?

In the mobile section we have a slightly smaller interface, but it works in a similar way, since the icons for the functions are the same , we just have to go to the bottom and look for the tab symbols, in which options will be displayed quite similar to those of your computer version.

What other numbers are popular to use instead of Roman numbers in Word?

In case you need to use another numbering format, you should not worry, since Word has a wide variety of symbols available such as:

Arabic numerals

Arabic numerals, as the name implies, correspond to the numerals used in countries whose base language is Arabic . Although it is usually used less frequently, if we want to use a different numbering or need it for a specific use, it is not a bad idea to take it into consideration.

How to combine the use of Roman and Arabic numerals in the same document?

We must bear in mind that, being less used elements, Arabic numerals are not usually included in options such as footers.

Instead, we can take these into account to use them between paragraphs, this is possible by going to the “multilevel” bullets section, and then looking for the “define new multilevel list” option , in which we can configure the symbols we want that appear in the document, which we can enter with the Ω key.

For any questions that may arise in any of the configurations, or problems when carrying out these steps, you can consult Microsoft support .