Car demolition: what to do

If your car has become so worn to such an extent that it is unusable, all you can do is proceed with its final demolition . What should you do in certain cases? How does car demolition work? Discover with us everything you need to complete a similar procedure respecting all the relevant regulations, with the chance to spend … Read more

How to check if a car has been scrapped

You know that before buying a used car it would be good to check that its documents are in order, and above all that it has not been demolished Let’s find out how to check if a car has been scrapped or not . The car scrapping certificate The possibilities that should prompt you to carry out … Read more

What documents are needed to scrap a car

The demolition of a vehicle is a procedure carried out by the so-called authorized car demolition centers: to complete it, however, you must deliver the car with a series of documents . Here are which ones. Car scrapping: the essential documents How do you get the car to the wrecker? Usually, on their own wheels and independently, but there are centers that … Read more

How to sell a damaged car

Selling a damaged vehicle is not as immediate as selling one under normal conditions, but it is an essential procedure to recover from the economic loss caused by its destruction in a collision. Here’s how to sell a damaged car . Damaged car: beware of scams If you have had a car accident, you are fine, but economically … Read more

Difference between displacement and car horsepower

The power of a car is measured on the basis of various factors and units of measurement, in particular, reference is always made to the engine capacity and horsepower , but they must not be exchanged. Let’s see what the differences are. What are displacement and horses for When it comes to displacement and engine horsepower, many are confused as … Read more

10 characteristics of the cars of the future

The cars of the future will be electric, hybrid and hydrogen . So it was said until a few years ago. Today the definition is still correct, but incomplete. Yes, because technological progress does not stop and, especially as regards cars, it is no longer limited to energy sources, but touches on many other aspects. In short, in new car dealerships … Read more