9 Benefits of Brown Rice for Body Health

Benefits of Brown Rice – Although white rice looks more appealing to many people because its color makes it look cleaner than brown rice , it does not mean that white rice is healthier than brown rice. According to a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , brown rice is the best choice in terms of nutrition and other health benefits.

Why is brown rice better? Before white rice goes through the refining process, it once looked exactly like brown rice. The refining of white rice removes the “natural integrity” of each grain that is rich in protein, thiamine, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and potassium. For those of you who are trying to lose weight or those of you who have diabetes, consuming brown rice can be a healthier substitute for white rice considering its low glycemic index which helps reduce insulin spikes in the body.

Unfortunately, everyone still prefers to consume white rice, even though white rice has lost its iron, vitamins, iron, magnesium and other nutrients during the refining process. White rice producers also usually have to add unnatural additives in the form of synthetic vitamins and iron, so that it can be marketed to the public as ” nutritious food “.

So, what are the benefits of brown rice for our health? Let’s take a look at the following list of benefits of brown rice.

Benefits of Brown Rice

Rich in Selenium

The first benefit of red rice is that it can free you from various serious diseases. This is because red rice is rich in selenium which reduces the risk of developing diseases such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis.

Rich in Magnesium

One cup of brown rice is equal to 80% of our daily magnesium needs. Magnesium can help the body to make healthy fats. Magnesium can also help our nervous and reproductive systems.

High in Natural Oils

Natural oils are beneficial for the body because these healthy fats can help normalize cholesterol levels.

Can Lose Weight

The fiber content of brown rice keeps the intestines functioning at their peak because it can make digestion easier. This is a good thing for everyday for those of you who want smoother digestion. In addition, brown rice also makes the stomach feel full or full faster which means smaller portions of food.

Whole Grain

Brown rice is considered a whole grain because it has not lost its “wholeness” through the “refining” process. Whole grains have been shown to reduce the buildup of arterial plaque and reduce the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol.

Rich in Antioxidants

You must know what antioxidants are and usually antioxidants are associated with blueberries, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables. The antioxidant capacity of brown rice exceeds those fruits, you know.

Rich in Fiber

Brown rice is a healthy food that is high in fiber and brown rice is one of the foods that can help prevent colon cancer. This is because of the high levels of fiber that are naturally contained in brown rice. This fiber sticks to cancer-causing substances and toxins in the body, then removes them and prevents them from sticking to the walls of the colon.

Slow Release Sugar

Brown rice helps stabilize blood sugar levels, therefore, it is an excellent food choice for those who suffer from diabetes. Studies show that those who consume one and a half cups of brown rice eaten daily reduce their risk of diabetes by 60%. On the other hand, those who consume white rice regularly increase their chances of developing diabetes a hundredfold.

Good for Baby Food

Brown rice cereal or even brown rice by itself is a perfect baby food because of the natural nutrients and fiber content of brown rice. Brown rice is a much better choice than white rice cereal products because babies and toddlers are growing rapidly and need nutrient-rich foods to help maintain their rapid growth cycle.