If you don’t want your barista to hide helpless hatred behind her beaming smile, read the following 6 tips and try to never do that.
Ignore menu
You hardly enjoy standing in a line that has accumulated only because someone can’t decide on a choice. But you are different, you know for sure that you want lavender raf on almond. The only problem is that the establishment doesn’t have it. The barista, of course, will offer you alternative options, but it’s not for nothing that the menu is placed above the cash register in most coffee shops. It’s better to make sure in advance that the item you need is on it. Otherwise, you yourself turn into that very person who can’t decide between espresso, latte and cappuccino.
Talking on the phone
The barista is a living person, so pretending that he does not exist is at least impolite. In addition, some people in the coffee shop are silently working, and some are relaxing – try not to turn the space into your conference room. Interrupt the call, say hello, place an order and call back. This will be much more convenient for you than if the employee of the establishment is forced to interrupt you several times to clarify elementary things like “do you need sugar”.
Ask to add two syrups
And it’s not about greed and economy. Frankly speaking, if a barista really loves coffee, even a drop of syrup in your cappuccino will cause him mental anguish. And when there are two syrups and you ask to add sugar to them… You have forced a person to finally “kill” the taste and aroma of a carefully prepared drink – congratulations! If a stingy tear rolls down the cheek of your coffee master, do not believe it, it is not an allergy. It is just that good service does not imply criticism of your choice.
Taking someone else’s drink
When there is a separate line for drinks and you just ordered a large cocoa a second ago, be sure to ask if it is your drink every time another glass appears on the counter. And if you grab the lid with your hands (after all, a large cocoa is indistinguishable from a small iced latte, right?) – not only the barista will hate you, but also other customers. By the way, in establishments where the readiness of the drink is announced to the whole room, try not to forget your name – this also happens.
Complain about temperature
You might be surprised, but a drink prepared with boiling water is cold in two cases – you ordered a summer version with ice or it had time to cool down. Even if the coffee shop staff did not show it, rest assured that you managed to upset them if you ignored your ready-made coffee for a quarter of an hour and then asked to redo it. It’s all logical, right?
Joking about espresso
A surefire option for last: obvious humor that sounds like a mockery and is sure to piss anyone off. Write down a joke: “Can I have an espresso instead of an espresso, so it’s quicker.” However, any old joke will do – remember something from your father’s collection in advance, but don’t remember it. As you already understood, people “love” waiting for the barista.