10 Foods and Dishes You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight

Still think that losing weight is only possible if you constantly undereat? Pay attention to these products – they will help you feel full without harming your figure.


Despite the abundance of liquid in soups, they are very filling. The thing is that soups stretch the stomach a little more than food without broth. In addition to getting rid of hunger, this nuance suppresses the production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. As a result, you eat less, but stay full longer.


Popcorn is not very closely associated with dieting, rather the opposite. Meanwhile, one cup of popcorn contains only about 30 calories. But this does not include syrup. So salted popcorn is more suitable for a snack, but there may be pitfalls here too: sometimes too much salt is added. The ideal option is to fry popcorn at home with a minimum of additives.

Cottage cheese

According to researchers, cottage cheese contains a special protein called casein. Its useful quality is that it breaks down very slowly. Therefore, cottage cheese is a great option for a snack, especially before bed. British scientists found that people who ate cottage cheese half an hour before bed managed to lose weight, and their metabolism also improved – only advantages!


Firstly, cauliflower is 92% water. Secondly, it is digested slowly, which means it helps to get rid of hunger for a long time. Thirdly, it is very healthy: it contains vitamins B, PP and is rich in fiber. Isn’t that enough to include it in your diet? It is physically impossible to gain weight because of cauliflower: the body spends more energy on digesting it than it receives from it.


A 2016 study looked at the effects of celery on the body. According to scientists, this vegetable increases the rate at which calories are burned. If only all foods were like this! Believe me, celery is not only chewed by dieters, it is both tasty and healthy. Chopped stalks add variety to almost any salad, and can also be used as an edible spoon!


One of the most accessible vegetables is perfect for a snack when you need to satisfy your hunger and don’t want to gain extra weight. Cucumbers contain a lot of water, a minimum of calories, and at the same time they are quite firm and are perceived as a complete food. And once you cut this vegetable, lightly sprinkle it with olive oil and add a pinch of seasoning, you have a complete salad in front of you.


Oatmeal contains a lot of protein and fiber, but it is low in calories. The main advantage for those losing weight is that the feeling of hunger before the next meal will be less, so oatmeal is recommended for breakfast. This way, the feeling of satiety will be with you throughout the first half of the day, and at lunch you will not overdo it with calories.


The so-called grapefruit diet has been known since the 1930s. It was believed that half a bitter fruit before a meal would help you lose weight. Modern scientists see some common sense in this. Grapefruit contains a lot of water and fiber, it gives a feeling of satiety without consuming extra calories. However, you shouldn’t eat it on an empty stomach because of the acids.


Avocados are a storehouse of monounsaturated fats, which can help curb your appetite quickly. A 2013 study found that eating avocados before lunch reduced your desire to eat anything else by 40%. So the power of avocados isn’t in their dietary properties, but in their ability to satisfy hunger in a healthy way.