What is Zolpidem used for?

Can you imagine going to bed to sleep and waking up the next day without remembering a trip or a product you bought online? This is just one of the reports of people who took Zolpidem and developed a side effect, such as hallucinations or sleepwalking.

The subject has already become a thread on social networks and some cases may seem funny. However, there are experiences of users who had more severe reactions to the drug and were at serious risk of death.

The first key to avoiding the misuse of any remedy is information! Therefore, in this content you will understand what Zolpidem is and what it is for. Here we go?

The Zolpidem

One of the most talked about remedies of the moment, Zolpidem is considered a hypnotic substance belonging to the group of imidazopyridines. This means that this medicine acts directly on our brain, regulating sleep centers . No wonder it is a reference in the fight against insomnia, but it should only be indicated to patients under medical prescription.

Also, the drug is not recommended to:

  • pregnant women;
  • children;
  • nursing mothers;
  • people with respiratory failure (severe or acute);
  • people with liver failure;
  • people allergic to any active ingredient present in the medicine.

What is Zolpidem used for?

Super suitable for people who deal with insomnia on a daily basis, the main purpose of this medicine is to reduce the time it takes an individual to sleep, as well as sleep interruptions during the night. Generally, the effect on the organism occurs 30 minutes after ingestion of the substance.

Hypnotics such as Zolpidem are used to act punctually against sleep disorders. Thus, treatment with this drug should not exceed 4 weeks. Even if the effects of the medicine do not take effect during 14 days of use, its dosage should not be indiscriminate and medical follow-up is essential to detect another psychiatric aggravating factor that may afflict the patient.

Hallucinations or sleepwalking when taking the drug

According to experts, Zolpidem can cause “anterograde amnesia”, that is, memory loss in relation to events after taking the drug. This explains some side effects present in the testimonials of people on social networks, such as making a call and not remembering, falling asleep while driving, etc.

To avoid any case of hallucination, delirium or sleepwalking, the ideal is to use the substance just before going to sleep and guarantee the best conditions for a sleep of 7 to 8 uninterrupted hours.

What situations can aggravate the side effects of Zolpidem?

Even with so much repercussion on the internet, adversities in relation to the use of Zolpidem are still considered rare, considering the number of people who use the medicine. However, it is always good to be aware of some factors that may contribute to hallucinations, delirium or sleepwalking in some patients.

Taking the correct dosage of the medicine is essential, as the indiscriminate use of this substance increases the chances of severe reactions to be witnessed. Elderly and people with comorbidities should receive special attention. In general, the right dosage for adults over the age of 65 cannot exceed the 10 mg per day mark.

Health professionals claim that very high amounts of the medication influence the likelihood of dependence, mainly by people who already have a history of abuse related to other substances .

And speaking of abuse, alcohol consumption can affect how Zolpidem works in the body. Therefore, this combination needs to be avoided as much as possible, since alcoholic beverages intensify the effect of sedatives and hypnotics and cause the individual to lose control over himself.

Drug interactions are also on the radar. The use of Zolpidem concomitantly with anxiolytics, antipsychotics, antidepressants, antiepileptics, anesthetics and antihistamines can compromise the individual’s psychomotor functions, such as the inability to drive machines or even drive.

It is very important to remember that the use of Zolpidem alone is not enough to cure insomnia problems. In addition to pharmacological measures, other procedures are necessary. Thus, always having a good medical follow-up and developing good practices to improve sleep can be as important in the treatment as using the medication correctly.

If you’ve had any experience of side effects related to the use of Zolpidem and still haven’t sought help, get in touch with us! Conexa has highly qualified professionals and offers clinical/psychiatric follow-up with more safety and convenience.