How to recover hidden tags on Instagram?

Instagram allows a great interaction between all its users, which earns it a position among the largest social networks in the world. When posting a photo, you can tag your friends so that the photo is also available from their profile. On the other hand, they can tag you too; however, you can decide whether or not to allow it to be displayed on your profile.

If you decide to hide it, you should know that you can change your mind at any time and retrieve it in the section of your profile that shows the tagged photos. Learn how to use tag settings to accept, hide, or restore tags on your Instagram profile without your friends knowing when you remove tags.

How to Recover Hidden Tags on Instagram? Configure your Labels

Index( )

  1. How to block or accept the tags of others on your Instagram profile?
  2. How to recover a hidden or pending tag from your Instagram profile?
  3. What are the options available for your hidden tags?
    1. Show on your profile
    2. remove the tag
  4. Did the person who tagged you find out that you removed their tag?

How to block or accept the tags of others on your Instagram profile?

When a photo is tagged , users are linked to the image and sent a notification to approve or block the tag. If you receive a tag, you can access the options from the app’s notifications tab. You can see the photos where you have been tagged before blocking or accepting them.

By being tagged, you can agree to have the photo appear in a section of your profile or you can hide it from appearing there . Note that you can only remove the photo from your account, but the tag will still be present on the original post. You can only completely block a label with the correct privacy settings.

How to recover a hidden or pending tag from your Instagram profile?

If you’ve left a tagging notification pending or decided to hide it from your profile, you can easily reset this setting and show it again in your account . This, however, does not apply to story tags , but only to posts where you have been tagged.

To retrieve it, you must access the tagged posts on your profile page and edit the tagging settings to access photos with pending tags and approve them on your profile. If you want to retrieve a hidden tag, you must find the original post on the account of the friend who tagged you and accept the tag manually.

What are the options available for your hidden tags?

When you decide to leave a tag pending to hide it from your profile, you have several options available to recover it and set it among the visible photos on your Instagram profile. Additionally, you can also share the stories where you are tagged or mentioned in your own stories or in direct messages.

To use these options, open the tagged posts tab and pull down the menu on one of the photos to edit the general settings for pending tags, or go individually to each post you want to retrieve and open its options.

Show on your profile

To approve the photo to be displayed in the tagged section of your Instagram profile, you must open the options menu of the publication where you have been tagged and select the ‘Show in My Profile’ option . If you previously hid the photo, you’ll need to search for it directly on the profile of the original poster.

remove the tag

Conversely, if you want to permanently remove a tag, you’ll need to find the post you want to remove from your profile and open its options. Hit the ‘Remove from Post’ option and the tag will be immediately removed from your profile page and also from the original post.

Did the person who tagged you find out that you removed their tag?

When tagging another user in a post or story, the tagged person receives a notification in the notifications tab or in their inbox. However, whether the user accepts the tag, hides it, or leaves it pending, no further notifications are sent to the person who made the original post.

So if you decide to permanently remove the tag, the other person won’t know about it via a notification . If you are still in doubt, make sure you have the latest version of the Instagram app installed on your device.

However, you can still tell that you’ve removed your tag if you check the tagged list manually on your post. That’s the only way he can find out that you’ve removed his tag.