How to make a chart in WordPad

WordPad is a default Windows application. This tool allows advanced text processing and is similar to notepad. Unlike the latter, WordPad does allow you to draw pictures and use large . For this reason, this tutorial shows you how to make a chart in WordPad in the easiest and fastest way.

Index( )

  1. What is the process to insert a box in WordPad?
    1. Open ‘Paint Drawing’ from the ‘Start’ menu
    2. Draw a box in the popup Paint window
    3. Customize the box format
    4. Save the box to automatically insert it into WordPad
  2. How to re-edit the format of your chart?

What is the process to insert a box in WordPad?

The ‘WordPad’ rendering engine  features a menu bar, tools, formatting, status, selection, and a ruler. In addition to text, WordPad allows you to insert sound files or links to websites. You can even create a concept map professionally thanks to this tool.

It is possible to insert a table in WordPad. To achieve this,  open the ‘Paint Drawing’ option  from the ‘Start’ menu. Therefore, you will be able to create a painting in this program in the pop-up Paint window and customize the format of this image. You can also edit the box and see the changes you save from the WordPad app.

Open ‘Paint Drawing’ from the ‘Start’ menu

For ‘Paint Drawing’ from the ‘Start’ menu open WordPad from the search box and click ‘Open’. Then, open the ‘Paint drawing’ option from the start menu and a pop-up window with the Paint application will be displayed immediately. From there, you can create the chart and edit it.

Draw a box in the popup Paint window

Place your cursor in the blank space that Paint presents. Then select the ‘Rectangle’ icon and draw the box. You can enlarge the space to draw the box by clicking on the lower right corner and dragging until you get the desired size. Once you draw the box, you can apply certain changes in order to establish a .

Customize the box format

The Paint application allows you to define the size of the line, the color of the line and the texture and type of outline. Therefore, if you want to customize the format of the box , click on the ‘Size’ option and modify the thickness of the line. Also, you can change the color of the line or outline from the ‘Colors’ section.

On the other hand, it is possible to modify the padding format of the box. To do so, click on a color of your choice and press the ‘Fill with color’ icon. Immediately, you will see the box with the selected color. You can even add text inside the box and modify the size in percentage or pixels.

Save the box to automatically insert it into WordPad

When you’re done customizing the frame in Paint, click ‘File’ and select ‘Save Copy As’. Then type a name to identify the file and hit the ‘Save’ button. By default, Windows stores the file on your hard drive with a .png extension. You can modify this format if you wish.

Notice that the box you created from the Paint app is now displayed from the WordPad space. The image will be surrounded by a box that you can enlarge or reduce. In this way, you will be able to change the dimension of the box but it will not be possible to modify the format that you applied from Paint.

How to re-edit the format of your chart?

From WordPad, you’ll see the box as a Paintbrush image with black side stripes. This prevents you from being able to change the format of the image . However, it is possible to edit the format of your painting again from within Paint. To do this, right-click on the box and click ‘Open Bitmap Image Object’.

The box will then be displayed from the Paint application. There, click on the ‘Select’ option and choose the ‘rectangular selection’. Move your cursor to cover the entire box and click on a color of your choice. Look for the ‘Color Fill’ tool if you want to add a fill to the box . Similarly, it is possible to modify the color and thickness of the line .

You can add text inside the box from Paint. To do this, go to ‘Tools’ and click on ‘A’. Then, place your cursor inside the box and type a word or phrase. Select the text you just added and click on one of the colors. Also, you can change the size , the type of font and move the text.