Classification of Octopus You Must Know

We explain Classification of Octopus. what the octopus is, what its anatomy is like and where this animal lives. Also, what are its characteristics, reproduction and more.

Classification of Octopus You Must Know

Classification of Octopus.











Species ;Octopus vulgaris

Common name;octopus.

Octopuses, in general, are characterized by the following:

  • They are mollusks without a shell , that is, a soft and ductile body, capable of lengthening, contracting and even sneaking through tiny spaces.
  • Their bodies have bilateral symmetry and are made up of a head, where the eyes, gills and the siphon that allows breathing and rapid movement are located, as well as a rigid beak-shaped mouth, around which there are eight appendages: six “Arms” and two “feet”. The inner face of these appendages is usually covered with circular suction cups.
  • In its body it has a deposit of ink , which many species can expel as a defense mechanism, leading to a quick escape.
  • Another fundamental feature is that your skin has numerous pigment cells , which allow abrupt and sudden changes in color, being able to camouflage itself in the environment almost perfectly.
  • The octopus’s eyes are among the most developed among all invertebrates, as well as a closed circulatory system, with three hearts , and a complex nervous system that goes beyond the brain, since it has neurons in the animal’s own appendages.
  • They are intelligent animals , capable of solving simple problems and planning hunting strategies, since their habits are essentially predatory . At the same time, the octopus is part of the food of many larger predators, such as certain types of sharks .
  • They are solitary animals that socialize little or nothing outside of reproduction and never form colonies.

Octopuses are shy animals, spending most of their time hiding in caves or crevices and hunting at night. They prefer to go unnoticed by wrinkling their skins to camouflage themselves with sea rocks and avoid attracting attention.On the other hand, although it may seem incredible, these cephalopods have a great capacity for memory, intelligence and learning that has been very surprising even for researchers.