Cheat codes and console commands Mordhau

Are you looking for cheat codes and console commands in the game Mordhau? The game can use console commands and we have compiled a list of all available.


Mordhau is a multiplayer slasher that invites you to take part in exciting mass battles in a fairly realistic world. Create your character, equip it with the necessary weapons and armor, and then enter the battlefield. Choose from several multiplayer modes that differ in purpose and main mission.


Below we have posted a list of all cheat codes and administrator commands in the game Mordhau.

Cheat codes and console commands Mordhau

To open the console, press “`” (to the left of “1”), or “~” or also “End”, and enter any of the cheat codes and console commands below:


  • adminlogin <password> 

Required to run any other admin command

  • adminlist 

Allows you to see a list of all available administrators

  • adminadd <STEAMID64> 

Adds an administrator of your choice

  • removeadmin <STEAMID64> 

Removes the administrator of your choice

  • changelevel <map name> 

Changes the name of the map

  • restartlevel 

Restarts the current map

  • addbots <integer> 

Add bots to the game by entering the number in brackets

  • removebots <integer> 

Kill bots by entering a number in brackets

  • ban <username or steamid64)

Bans a player of your choice

  • unban <username or steamid64)

Removes the player you have chosen from the ban

  • banlist

Returns a list of all banned players

  • exit 

Exit the Mordhau game program

  • disconnect 

Disconnects you from the server

  • demorec name

Lets you record a demo

  • demotop

The team stops the demonstration

  • demoplay 

The team plays the demo

  • Stat FPS 

Shows FPS counter

  • PlayersOnly 

Freezes all bots, but allows you to keep walking. It’s a toggle, so enter it again to unfreeze everyone. Again, single player only.

  • ChangeSize X 

The command is single player only, it changes the size of your character. Replace X with pure up to 100.

  • m.ShowCrosshair 0 

Disable aim. You need to enter it again after restarting the game.