Hyperkalemia .

Hyperkalemia . The concentration of potassium in the serum is higher than that of the plasma in the same patient in an average ratio of 0.2 mEq / L. the difference can be 0.9 mEq / L. There …

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Hepatotoxicity is a disease that involves functional or anatomical damage to the liver, induced by ingestion of chemical compounds (eg some medicines) or organics. Summary [ hide ] 1 Drugs 2 What is liver damage? …

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Hemodynamics : Subspecialty of cardiology that studies cardiovascular diseases invasively. Summary [ hide ] 1 Diseases of the coronary arteries 2 Hemodynamic procedures 1 Diagnostic Catheterization 2 Endovascular Surgery (Placement of Stents in the Extremity Arteries) 3 Sources …

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Thrombosis. Or thrombus is a mass that forms inside the circulatory system and is made up of the patient’s blood, specifically the solid elements of the blood. In a living individual, …

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