5 Fruit Juices That Are Good for Tuberculosis Patients

Some types of vitamins are very good for TB, such as vitamins A, C, and E. Here are some fruit juices for TB that could be your choice.Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease that attacks the lungs. People with active TB usually need six to nine months of treatment to recover from the disease.

In addition to treatment, TB sufferers need to pay attention to their nutritional intake, such as fiber and vitamins. These nutrients can usually be found in various fruits. It is no wonder that fruit is one of the choices for TB sufferers to get the nutrients they need. If you are bored with the texture of fruit, you can make fruit juice as a daily consumption. Here are some fruit juices for TB that can be your reference.

Fruit Juice for Tuberculosis Disease

Tuberculosis can be transmitted and spread through the air when a person infected with TB coughs or sneezes. When infected with TB, sufferers need to undergo treatment and pay attention to adequate nutritional intake to increase their immune system.

In addition to meeting protein and carbohydrate needs, increasing body resistance can also be obtained from several types of vitamins, such as A, C, and E. You can get these vitamins naturally by consuming several types of fruits, either by eating them directly or making them into juice. Here are some fruit juices for TB.

1. Mango Juice

Mango is a fruit that is widely loved because of its sweet taste. In addition to its sweet taste, this fruit contains many nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, and antioxidants that can help boost immunity and prevent damage from free radicals.

2. Carrot Juice

According to a 2022 study , vitamin A deficiency can worsen TB disease. Therefore, TB sufferers are advised to increase their intake of vitamin A to suppress the development of TB.

One of the fruits that contains high vitamin A is carrots. There are many ways to consume carrots, such as cooked as vegetables or drunk as fruit juice.

3. Kiwi Juice

Kiwi is known as one of the fruits rich in vitamin C. According to the Cleveland Clinic , consuming one kiwi has more nutrients than consuming two oranges. The vitamin C in this fruit can help you increase your immune system and overcome fatigue due to TB symptoms.

Not only vitamin C, kiwi fruit is also rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, making it one of the good fruits to be consumed as juice by tuberculosis sufferers.

4. Guava Juice

Guava juice can be one of the choices for consumption by tuberculosis sufferers. Because, this fruit has a high vitamin C content so it can help increase the body’s immune system. In addition, according to Healthline, guava contains antimicrobials that can help fight bad bacteria and viruses that cause infections.

5. Berry Juice

There are many types of berries that you can enjoy, such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries or blackberries. All of these berries have high antioxidant and vitamin C content so they are good for consumption by TB sufferers. In addition, this fruit also contains anti-inflammatories that can help relieve inflammation that occurs in the body due to bacterial activity in the lungs.

Here are five fruit juices for TB that you can try at home. You can also combine some of the fruits above to make juice to create a more delicious and varied taste.

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