How to open EXE files on your Chromebook

If you have already tried to run EXE files or applications on computers with Chrome OS , you must have noticed that an error is presented, this is because these files are designed exclusively for Windows operating systems, however, there is an option that allows you to run and download EXE files on Chromebook and that one using Wine .

If you still don’t know how to use this software to download and run Windows applications on a Chromebook, don’t worry, in the following article we will show you how to do it easily and quickly.

Index( )

  1. Why can’t EXE files be opened directly on a Chromebook?
    1. The format is typical of Windows
    2. It does not have the necessary CODECS
  2. Where can you find the secure downloadable version of Wine?
  3. Is there any setup or installation process required to use Wine on Chromebook?
  4. Between using Wine and installing Windows on your Chromebook, which is the best option to open EXE files?

Why can’t EXE files be opened directly on a Chromebook?

Files with an EXE extension cannot be opened directly on Chromebooks for the following reasons:

The format is typical of Windows

Files with an EXE extension are exclusive to the Windows operating system, therefore, opening them in another system is not possible directly, whenever this is attempted an error message will appear. The system used by Chromebooks is based on Chrome and that is why it is not compatible with any file that has an EXE extension.

It does not have the necessary CODECS

Another reason why EXE files cannot be opened on a Chromebook is because it does not have CODECS, and to open these types of files the system must contain CODECS.

Where can you find the secure downloadable version of Wine?

There is an application that develops a layer which gives non-Windows operating systems the ability to install applications developed exclusively for Windows, this application is called Wine. To get this application you only have to access its official site, where you will find the most current and original version.

Is there any setup or installation process required to use Wine on Chromebook?

If, in order to use Wine on a Chromebook, you need to perform a configuration and then an installation, the process to achieve this is as follows:

  1. Download Wine on your computer, to do this go to its official pageand then click on the Download option.
  2. Enter the terminal of your Chromebook, to achieve this you must go to the start or main screen, in it look for the Configuration option and press, now in the new window select the Linux option and in its section certifies that the terminal is activated .
  3. Put in the terminal the command sudo dpkg – add-architecture i386. Applying this command will cause the computer’s system architecture to change to 32-bit.
  4. Next you must download the Wine key, to achieve this you must place the link in the terminal that must be open and in the other space the command sudo apt-key add winehq.key.
  5. See the information you are obtaining stored, to do this press the Ctrl + O keys.
  6. Proceed to request the Ubuntu key by typing in the terminal the command sudoapt-key adv – keyserver – recv-keys DFA175A75104960E.
  7. Place the command sudo apt update again in the terminal so that the system is updated, this is necessary to install Wine.
  8. Once the above is finished you can proceed with the installation, place in the terminal that is open sudo apt install – install-recommends winehq-stable, in this way the program will be configured.
  9. After you do the above, a window will open in which you must press accept to continue the process of configuring and installing Wine.
  10. To finish, place the wine file.exe in the terminal, then press the Enter key, in this way the installation will begin, it will last a few minutes when it is finished, you can proceed to open EXE files on your computer with Wine.

Between using Wine and installing Windows on your Chromebook, which is the best option to open EXE files?

The best option to open EXE files on your Chromebook is using Wine, since its installation is simple while the installation of the Windows system on a Chromebook will cause you to lose the information you have on it, in addition you will also have to remove a screw that takes care of the base of the computer to be able to update the system of the ROM memory.

It’s important to be aware that not all Chromebook computers are compatible with the Windows operating system.