How to make a sheet horizontal in WordPad?

Office automation programs are part of people’s daily lives. Everyone needs to a greater or lesser extent to use software on their computer for some simple tasks, usually on text documents .

Wordpad is office software that sits on a scale of complexity above notepad and below the Microsoft Office program . Thus, it is a quite useful office automation program for computers for tasks of medium complexity and for devices lacking high specifications.

How to put a Sheet in Landscape in WordPad? | Change Document Orientation

Even though it’s a lower version than Microsoft’s proposal, it’s a fairly competent program for more tasks than you could imagine at first: making concept maps in Wordpad or other types of files is possible.

Index( )

  1. How do you change the orientation of a page in WordPad?
    1. Go to ‘Page Setup’
    2. change the orientation
    3. Adjust size and margins
  2. How to create a custom orientation and size for your future sheets?

How do you change the orientation of a page in WordPad?

On some occasions we will need to make documents whose pages are oriented horizontally (or modify the document in the middle of the march ). While Wordpad lacks certain features, basic things like changing the orientation of a page is an available option.

Go to ‘Page Setup’

First of all, you must open the document whose orientation you want to change and then go to the program’s task bar located at the top of the Wordpad window. From there you can also make other changes to the document.

To access the section that interests us, we must go to File> Page Configuration . This will open a new window with different configuration sections of the page of the document that we are using.

change the orientation

All that remains is to change the orientation of the page. To do this, go to the “Orientation” section: there you will see the two options “Vertical” and “Horizontal” , choose the Horizontal option and click “OK” to change the orientation of the page.

This is all you need to do and if you want the following pages to also have a landscape orientation the change you have already made is enough: this modification will also affect the following pages .

If you want to reverse the changes in the orientation of the document pages: you just have to repeat the whole process and select this time in the final step the “Portrait” orientation. Once you do it, just click on “OK” and that’s it.

Adjust size and margins

Other options available in this section are to modify the size and margins of the page . To do so, simply go to these sections and modify the parameters of the document that interest us.

Well, although Wordpad is a program with many limitations, it has a wide variety of customization options such as activating Wordpad ‘s word counter or other aids to improve the user experience in the program.

How to create a custom orientation and size for your future sheets?

To change the page orientation of future documents, we will have to open the program (however we must open it without using a document). Once you open it, go back to the taskbar and go to File > Page Setup and you will see the same pop-up window in which you modified the document previously.

Any changes you make in this window without another file open will be reflected in all new documents you make in Wordpad. Keep in mind that  existing documents will retain their previous settings, so you will have to create new documents or modify existing ones.

Here are the methods to change the page orientation in your Wordpad documents. Do not forget that you can modify other parameters of the document from the same window . Although Wordpad is not a widely used program these days due to its lack of certain features, it is still quite useful for simpler text documents.

If you’re having trouble making changes to your documents or general problems with the Wordpad program , contact Microsoft customer support for help with complex issues.