How to install a LAMP server on Ubuntu 16.04

LAMP  is a suite of server software. Today it is the most popular open source web platform and is distributed completely free of charge. It is used for building dynamic websites and web applications.

LAMP components are found in the software repositories of most Linux distributions. In operating systems of the Microsoft Windows family, there is an analogue known as WAMP.

LAMP is an abbreviation, named after the first letters of its constituent components:

  • Linux – Linux operating system;
  • Apache is an HTTP server;
  • MySQL – DBMS (database management system);
  • PHP – programming language (Hypertext Preprocessor)

And also, in addition to PHP, languages ​​such as Perl and Python can be implied.

Installing the LAMP package  .

Launch the terminal and enter the following command:

sudo apt-get install lamp-server ^

Next, you need to confirm the installation process. Enter “y” and click on  Enter.

The next step is to create a Mysql password for the “root” user.

We confirm our password, enter it again.

Next, the process of installing the necessary packages will start. We are waiting for the end of the installation.

We launch the browser and enter in the address bar  localhost.

LAMP is  installed, now let’s move on to other settings.

Site folders.

The default home directive for our site is  /var/www/html. To create a new site, you need to create a folder in this directory. The name of the created folder will be the domain of our site.

For example , let’s create a site under the name  testsite. To do this, create a folder  /var/www/html/testsite. And in this folder, create an index.html file with simple markup.

< html >

< head >

< meta http-equiv = “Content-Type” content = “text / html; charset = utf-8” >

< title > Test page < / title >

< / head >

< body >

Test page

< / body >

< / html >

In the browser, enter  localhost/testsite and go to the newly created site. In the same way, you can add as many sites as you like.


See also:   Styling your form with CSS


There is another option for creating sites with an individual root folder.

Create a folder  /home/user/www/testsite/where  user is the username of Ubuntu, in the folder  www we will store all our sites,  testsite – the folder of our new site.

To set the folder to the  www directory of all our sites, you need to change the apache configuration file. To do this, open the apache2.conf file with gedit.

sudo gedit / etc / apache2 / apache2. conf

Find the tags  </Directory> and add them under the last of the tags.

< Directory / home / user / www >

AllowOverride All

Require all granted

< / Directory >

We save. Next, you need to register our site in a file  hosts. We also open this file with gedit.

sudo gedit / etc / hosts

Add the name of our site to the first line.

  1. 0 . 0.1 localhost testsite

We need to create a configuration file for our site  testsite. Let’s copy the configuration file of the base site.

sudo cp / etc / apache2 / sites-available / 000 -default. conf / etc / apache2 / sites-available / testsite. conf

Now we configure the created file for our site. Opening the file:

sudo gedit / etc / apache2 / sites-available / testsite. conf

We find the line  #ServerName Uncomment it, delete #. And instead of registering the name of our new site, in our case  testsite. You should get:

ServerName testsite

Next, fix  DocumentRootit by changing  /var/www/html to  /home/user/www/testsite (do not forget to put the username of Ubuntu instead of user).

Now we turn on our site. We run the command in the terminal.

sudo a2ensite testsite

On this, our new site is configured and connected, it remains to restart Apache and go to the address  http://testsite.

Install phpMyAdmin.

In order to use the databases on our server, you need to install  phpMyAdmin . Install:

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

The process of obtaining a list of packages will begin. We confirm the installation.

Next, the question of choosing a web server will follow. Select Apache, put an asterisk in front of it by pressing the space bar. We press  Enter.

Confirm the configuration with dbconfig-common.

Create a password for the database user.

Enter the MySQL password created at the beginning of the LAMP installation


See also:   Ubuntu Terminal Commands. Usage


We confirm our phpMyAdmin password.

Go to the address  localhost/phpmyadmin.

This completes the installation of PhpMyAdmin. The username is “root”. In the login field we write “root”, in the password field we write the previously created phpMyAdmin password. After successful authorization, we get to the database control panel.

Disconnect from startup

Every time the operating system is started, LAMP will automatically start. If you want to start LAMP when you need it, you need to disable it from startup. We use the command:

sudo update-rc. d -f apache2 disable

Commands for LAMP.

We launch.

sudo service apache2 start


sudo / etc / init. d / apache2 start


sudo service apache2 stop


sudo / etc / init. d / apache2 stop

We reboot.

sudo service apache2 reload


sudo / etc / init. d / apache2 restart

Removing LAMP.

Removal is performed by the commands:

sudo apt-get purge libapache2-mod-auth-mysql phpmyadmin

sudo apt-get purge mysql-server mysql-server- 5.1 mysql-server-core- 5.1

sudo apt-get purge apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache 2 . 2 -bin apache 2 . 2- common libapache2-mod-php5

sudo apt-get autoremove

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