How to Install a Digital Certificate in Windows 10

If what you want is to save time making inquiries and procedures on the Internet, we show you how to install and export a digital certificate in Windows 10 .

Shortly we will explain everything you need to know to install and export your digital certificates in Windows 10 .


  1. Before installing the certificates
  2. Installing Digital Certificates in Windows 10
    1. Export a digital certificate in Windows 10
    2. Digital certificate in Windows 10 from Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox

Before installing the certificates

The installation of a Certificate in Windows 10 consists of storing the files that contain the identification information of a digital person in the operating system. Before carrying out this installation, it is advisable to verify that the most up-to-date version of Windows 10 is installed , if you do not have it, it is best to carry out the update.

During the installation of a certificate, it is most appropriate not to change the user or the browser, in order to avoid any conflict and stop the process . Sometimes these installations are detected as suspicious activity by antivirus, it is best to disable them momentarily.

Installing Digital Certificates in Windows 10

Digital certificate files usually have a .pfx or .p12 extension , although there are other variants. Locate the file and double click on it to start the installation wizard.

You can also start the process by typing certmgr.msc in the start menu search bar. The first thing you will need to do is determine which users can use this certificate.

  1. Next, select the path where you want to store the files. Next, you must enter the password provided by the authorized website when downloading the file.
  2. Select the export option you want. If you select Enable strong private key protection, you’ll receive a notification each time the certificate is used.
  3. While the option Markthis key as exportable will allow you to make as many copies of the certificate as you want. Note that you will not be able to change this setting later .
  4. The Include all extended propertiesoption must be selected to continue the installation process. Leave the installation path that the operating system chooses by default, so when an application requests this permission it will have the correct path .
  5. Once it has been installed you will see a summary of the process, verify that everything is correct and press the Finish button. Your certificate will be installed and ready to use .

Export a digital certificate in Windows 10

Usually, exporting a digital certificate implies making a security backup of said information in order to use it on another computer or install it on another operating system.

  1. This process is done through the browser you use on your computer. Although the processes are quite similar, they may differ in some of the steps.
  2. To export your digital certificate in Google Chromego to the Settings path . Then in Advanced Settings , Privacy and Security and Manage Certificates .
  3. In the popup window select the certificate you want and press the Export buttonto start the export wizard.
  4. Select your preferred private key options and format. A file will be created with the necessary information; assign the name and location to finish.

Digital certificate in Windows 10 from Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox

For the Internet Explorer browser :

  1. Go to the Toolspath , Internet Options and select the Content option .
  2. Hit the Certificatesoption and select the Personal tab .
  3. You must continue the process with the same wizard as in Chrome.

If you use Mozilla Firefox the path will be:

  1. Go to OptionsPrivacy & Security and Certificates .
  2. Then in View certificates.
  3. Select the certificate you want and press Make copy.
  4. Assign a name and location to save the backup, if the certificate has a private key you must enter it to finish.

In conclusion, installing and exporting a digital certificate in Windows 10 is very quick and easy