How to edit a default Outlook template?

If you have had the need to better manage your email , with the tools and functions that Outlook offers you, you can do it without any problem or difficulty, and you can also download the free version to your computer from its website.

You can send and receive emails, manage your calendar, your contacts, task lists and you can share files through the cloud that is OneDrive, you can even create a template to send it to the contacts you want, this is a way to better personalize all your messages , so they look unique.


  1.  How to create a new email template in Outlook?
  2.  What is the process to modify the newly created template or a default layout?
  3.  What to do to use a content control and enrich the template text?
  4.  How to set direct access to your preferred email templates?
    1.  In the ‘Quick Access Ribbon’ section
  5.  How do you delete a template that you no longer want to use?

How to create a new email template in Outlook?

Microsoft Outlook allows you as a user to create your own templates, the advantages of these templates is that it will only be enough to modify them to send them several times to your contacts, they are very ideal for your work and give you your own style . Well now follow these steps so you know how to create a new template:

  1. First you need to go to the start menu and click on ‘New email’, you can also take a shortcut and do it with the commands ‘ Ctrl + SHIFT + M’
  2. In the blank part write the message you want to have in your template
  3. Then in the message window you are going to click on ‘File’ and press ‘Save as’
  4. In the Save As box that appears, in the ‘Save as type’ list you will select ‘Outlook Template’
  5. Finally you must put the name that the template will have so that it becomes easier for you to search for it and press ‘Save’

can you create templates in outlook

However, you may have a small problem that is, because the images are not displayed in Outlook , this may be because this security service protects your account from images that may have malicious content.

What is the process to modify the newly created template or a default layout?

To change it is a very easy process, that is to say to modify your template you can, change the default font, change the default characters , change the margins, the default layout or change other settings in the normal template. I’m going to show you the steps so you know how to modify your templates.

  1. To modify the created template , you must go to the file menu and click open, then in the open dialog box you will locate the folder that contains the template you created, click on it and the template will open and you are going to modify the changes you want and finally you give it save and close the template.
  2. To modify the default design , you must open the template and in the format menu you are going to click on documents and then on the design tab and that is where you are going to make the changes you want, when you are finished you click on default and will save.

What to do to use a content control and enrich the template text?

A rich text box is a very good thing for your template, because it allows users to highlight and emphasize the text that is written in the template , it also allows them to insert tables or images in a blank part of your template.

It also stores the data in the format you want to choose. You can also activate automatic replies in Outlook so that when an email message arrives you already have everything configured so that it responds automatically.

How to set direct access to your preferred email templates?

To put the shortcut of your templates, you can put it directly from the page or from the application , you will choose which one suits you best, so I will leave you an option to add your access to the Outlook ribbon.

can you create an outlook shortcut

In the ‘Quick Access Ribbon’ section

  1. You must click on ‘File’ and then on ‘Options’
  2. Then you are going to select ‘Customize Ribbon’
  3. Click on ‘New group’ then change the name and press ‘OK’
  4. Then you will choose all the commands in ‘Choose command from’ and select the form
  5. Then you click on ‘Save changes’ and the icon to choose forms will open, click on the arrow to select the user’s template in the file system and thus select your template.

How do you delete a template that you no longer want to use?

  1. You must open the template which you want to delete
  2. In the control panel of the controls task, you are going to click on ‘Add or remove custom controls’
  3. Then you will get a dialog box where you are going to select the template you want to delete and you are going to click on ‘Remove’
  4. Finally you will see a message that if you want to delete the template you click on ‘OK’

Also, if you are experiencing issues like Outlook only closing , you can fix it quickly as this can happen because the updates are wrong on your phone.