In this very tutorial, we will see how to disable or enable the Snipping tool in Windows 10 , since we need to do it all from the same place. This tool is a native feature of Windows 10, so it cannot be uninstalled, but it can be disabled if desired.
Next, we explain everything you need to know before and how to download this tool in Windows 10.
- What you should know when deactivating and activating the snipping tool in Windows 10
- Steps to activate the snipping tool in Windows 10 if it does not appear
- How to take a screenshot with the tool
- Disable Snipping Tool in Windows 10
- To take into account when disabling or enabling the tool
What you should know when deactivating and activating the snipping tool in Windows 10
When deactivating this tool, what we are really doing is enabling a policy that prevents its execution, so it will be completely normal to see an error window once we try to start the application . However, when it comes to restoring the operation there will be no problems with activation or some error window.
Disabling ” Snippets ” is not a good idea, as it is very useful. Screenshots with this button are more selective and individual than with the ” ImpPt ” button, so replacing the tool with this button may not give the same results or meet our needs.
A good reason to disable this feature would be to use a downloaded app that contains more features and is more comprehensive.
Steps to activate the snipping tool in Windows 10 if it does not appear
In this very tutorial, we will see how to disable or enable the Snipping tool in Windows 10 , since we need to do it all from the same place. This tool is a native feature of Windows 10 , so it cannot be uninstalled, but it can be disabled if desired.
- First of all, we have to type “ regedit” after pressing “ Start ” or “ Windows ” key on our physical keyboard.
- Now we have to go to the following path in the left sidebar of the window: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\NSOFTWARE\NPolicies\NMicrosoft.
- Here we have to check if the key « TabletPC» is present in the left sidebar. If it’s not there, we have to create it. To do this, we right-click on ” Microsoft ” and then go to ” New “, then ” Key ” and enter ” TabletPC “.
- Then we click on « TabletPC» and in the right part of the window we have to create a new value. To do this, we simply right-click on an empty field and select ” New “, then ” DWORD Value ” 32-bit.
- We call it ” DisableSnippingTool” and create it.
- Once we have created it, we have to double click on it and now the magic comes.
If we want to deactivate the crop tool, we have to enter the value « 1 ». But if we want to leave it enabled, it must be « 0 ».
How to take a screenshot with the tool
- We go to the search bar and write « Snipping Tool», in the applications section we find this program.
- Once open, we go to the top and click on the ” New” option.
- In the next section we find ” Mode” which refers to which parts of the screen the capture covers.
- We find several options available, such as « Free crop» that allows us to select exactly what we want to crop with the mouse, « Rectangular crop » that allows us to crop a rectangle, « Window crop » that selects the window on which we click.
- Finally « Full screen cutout» that covers the entire screen.
- As soon as we have determined what the crop should look like, the image is automatically created and displayed on the white sheet of the tool and saved to the clipboard.
Disable Snipping Tool in Windows 10
To perform this task, it is recommended to make a backup copy of the Windows registry . Then we can proceed with the following steps:
- In the search bar of the main menu we enter « msc», with which the Microsoft Console document appears.
- When it opens, in the ” Local computer policy” section, go to ” Computer configuration “.
- Then we click on ” Administrative Templates“, then on ” Windows Components “.
- Now we go to « Tablet PC» and « Accessories ».
- We will find a list in the central panel and in the setting « Do not allow the execution of Snipping Tool».
- If we open this window, we can see the configuration of this policy. To activate it, we just have to check the ” Enabled” option and click on ” Apply “.
- Click on ” OK” to complete the process.
To take into account when disabling or enabling the tool
- This tool can be very useful for taking specific screenshotsof a specific area of the screen. It is not the same as the « Imp Pnt Req Sys » button, which allows you to capture everything that happens on the computer screen.
- If you want to use a good snipping tool, we recommend turning off the default Windows snipping tool and using Lightroominstead . This app can take screenshots in the same way as the Windows feature, but with additions.
- You can edit the screenshotsbefore saving them by adding icons, arrows, text, etc. Ideal for those who want to teach something specific, create tutorials, etc. Also, you can set any key on the keyboard or mouse to take the screenshot immediately.
As you can see, downloading and installing the Windows 10 snipping tool is not as complicated as it seems, you just have to follow the steps that we mentioned in this tutorial.