How to disable your WhatsApp camera in a video call

WhatsApp currently  has two billion users located around the world, being an app designed to facilitate communication with other users, it has certain functions that fit its main task. Initially there are the chats, WhatsApp gives you the option to write messages for the different people you may have added to your mobile device’s contact list. 

The app also gives us the possibility of being able to make calls and video calls, which expands the tools that we can have at hand to contact whoever we want with the simple use of our cell phone.

How to Deactivate your WhatsApp Camera in a Video Call

These two options have certain characteristics that help us create comfort when used in a certain way. In the case of video calls, you can mute your microphone to turn off your camera , while you have the call in progress, and it is the latter that we will teach you how to do next.

Index( )

  1. What factors should you take into account before deactivating the camera in this app?
    1. Check if you have WhatsApp web activated on a computer
    2. Have a backup of your account as a precaution
  2. Deactivate the camera in a WhatsApp video call
    1. From a cell phone with iOS
    2. If your device is Android
  3. How does the camera stay disabled in this app for any video call?
  4. What to do if WhatsApp does not let you disable the camera in a video call?
    1. Go to app permissions
    2. Clear the cache

What factors should you take into account before deactivating the camera in this app?

There are certain aspects that you should take into account before deactivating your camera while you are in a video call, aspects that you could review beforehand, such as the following.

Check if you have WhatsApp web activated on a computer

To check if you have your Whatsapp web activated on any PC or computer , you only have to open the application on your cell phone and go to the bottom bar, if your phone is an iPhone. Once you have located the tools that are in it, you should go to the ´´configuration´´ area . If your cell phone is an Android you can locate the configuration tab within the three points located at the bottom right of your screen.

Within the previous option you will be able to see in the first tabs a call ´´linked devices´´ , you will only have to enter it and when you are inside it will appear, if so, the devices to which your WhatsApp is linked, whether they are several or one.

Have a backup of your account as a precaution

It is extremely important that you back up your WhatsApp account , all the messages and files that you may have in it. If you haven’t backed up your account, you can do so with a few simple steps.

Again you must go to the configuration area within your WhatsApp, once you are inside it you must look for a tab called ´´Chats´´ in it you will see an option called ´´backup´´ . When activated, WhatsApp backs up your chat history and multimedia files within iCloud, in the event that your device is an iPhone, and in Google Drive if your mobile device is an Android.

Deactivate the camera in a WhatsApp video call

Deactivating the camera while a video call is in progress is a simple action to perform , the only thing that could vary is the location of this option depending on what brand your device is, if it is from an iOS cell phone or an Android device.

From a cell phone with iOS

The first thing you should do is accept an incoming video call or make one , when you are in the course of the call you should click on the screen, an arrow located in the center and pointing upwards will appear at the bottom.

When you click on it, different icons will appear, among them you can see one of a video recorder with a diagonal line on it , you must click on this option and your camera will automatically be deactivated.

You will be able to verify if the camera was deactivated correctly when you see that on your image, being located in the lower right part of the video call, the same icon of the video recorder with the diagonal line on it.

Another way to check that this action has been carried out correctly is to click on the rectangle that has your image on the screen. By doing so you will be able to see your same image but larger (covering the entire screen) and in the center of it you should see the words ´´camera off´´.

If your device is Android

Actually, the steps for Android devices are exactly the same, the only thing that changes is the size of the icons, so if your cell phone is Android, you just have to follow the steps in the previous paragraph to deactivate your camera during a video call.

How does the camera stay disabled in this app for any video call?

There is no option that allows you to automatically keep video calls off or when you record one you make within WhatsApp. If you want to keep your camera off for most or all of your video calls, you’ll need to do this manually each time you want to do so.

What to do if WhatsApp does not let you disable the camera in a video call?

There may be different reasons related to some general aspect of your cell phone , outside the app, that do not allow you to carry out this action, in case this happens you could do the following.

Go to app permissions

One of the things that could happen is that you have some restriction in the general settings of your cell phone that prevents you from carrying out the action you want within WhatsApp. For this, go to the configuration center of your cell phone and check the application permissions.

Clear the cache

Another thing you could do is delete your cache memory, thus freeing up space on your device, since it may be the lack of space that does not allow the application to carry out all its functions correctly.