How the Facebook algorithm works for videos

Facebook has made public some tips that should be taken into account by those who base their content strategy on the social network on videos, since they provide relevant clues about how the platform considers video content and how its users value it. algorithm.

The advice has been provided after separating the “Traffic Source Insights” tool, which provides specific data on content viewing time and retention metrics, from Creator Studio. This will now be a separate feature that users can refer to for more details on how their videos are performing.

How the Facebook algorithm works for videos.

Consulting analytics and interpreting the data is essential, as is also taking into account Facebook’s advice to improve the strategy when developing audiovisual content for the platform:

-Periodicity. Posting at least one or two videos a day helps improve reach. Facebook recommends this even for large publishers, those who create a lot of content, as it improves reach and distribution.

-Duration. Facebook ensures that it prioritizes the distribution of videos that last three minutes and that motivate users to continue watching them. Videos that are at least three minutes long can also be monetized with In-Stream ads (those that display ads in the middle of the content).

-Recurring visitors. Facebook also gives more weight to Pages that manage to have visitors on a regular basis and that many of them are also recurring. That is, they return to the Page to get more videos because they consider them to be of quality.

-Avoid content that is not your own. Facebook ensures that Pages should avoid posting content that already exists on Facebook and that they had nothing to do with creating it.

-Do not use clickbait videos. Trying to deceive the user with eye-catching titles or covers that do not correspond to the content of the video is totally harmful.

-Do not abuse static images. Despite the fact that they are very popular content on Facebook, the company points out that videos that abuse static images are considered to be of poorer quality by its algorithm in terms of distribution.

-Recent videos . The Facebook algorithm prioritizes recently created videos.

In addition, the general rules of the Facebook algorithm also apply. For example, if a user tends to interact more with video content, they will be shown more predominantly. If you also interact regularly with the Page that publishes them, they will also rank better.