Follow Limit on Instagram. Instagram news is getting bigger and more original. But, are you clear about what Instagram limits you can’t overcome? Today, companies around the world know Instagram as one of the best means of promotion.
Next, you will know the limits of followers and followers on Instagram .In the current article, you will learn more about Instagram and its limitations . Additionally, we leave you some extra tips so you can gain followers fairly.
What are Follow Limit on Instagram.
As we mentioned before, Instagram has a very simple policy. However, not many users know the regulations of this social network , and may be penalized for it. About the audience, business accounts do not have any kind of limit on followers . The amount of followed is capped at 7500 in total.
What limits does Instagram have?
2,200 characters in the text of the copy
It is one of the best-known limits and it is that although it is quite extensive, we should not go too far in the copy of our publications. The maximum is 2,200 characters in the texts that accompany our videos, images and carousels in the photo caption.
20 tagged people
Tagging other users in our publications is a highly recommended action, especially if they appear in the image or video. But how many people can we tag at once? Well, the answer is simple: 20 people maximum.
This is because many users used the posts to uncontrollably tag many people, so Instagram established this limit so that this malpractice can be controlled.
60 seconds of Reels
If you like doing reels, remember that the current duration limit is 60 seconds. However, the recommended reels are between 5 and 15 seconds. With clear and concise information we can get our users to see the reel over and over again, access our account and read the description.
Its dynamics and operation are unlike anything the platform has been offering: vertical, ephemeral, and spontaneous videos that must capture users so they don’t move on to the next one.
If you need a little creativity, here are 7 creative content ideas for your reels.
60 comments per hour
The number of comments you can leave on posts is a maximum of 60 per hour. The objective is to avoid robots and, as we mentioned, the malpractice of some users.
One comment per minute for one hour is the maximum that as a user you will be able to comment on posts.
100 likes per hour
As in the previous point, Instagram also limits the maximum number of likes that we can do per hour. This number is 100 likes per hour on posts.
100 Stories for every 24 hours
During the day you can upload the stories you want to your Instagram account, but be careful! There is also a limit. Instagram sets the maximum number of Stories that we can upload to our account during the day to 100. But don’t worry, the next day you can upload a batch of stories.
200 followers per hour
If you like to follow your favorite accounts or users who add value to you, you should be careful, because Instagram only allows you to follow 200 users per hour. You will not be able to follow any more accounts during that period.
The platform is aimed at avoiding spam or with the aim of getting more followers.
Maximum 7,500 accounts to follow
The maximum you can follow on an ad account is 7,500 accounts. You will not be able to pass that number. So that Instagram can order the most relevant publications of each of them according to its algorithm.
Maximum 30 hashtags in each post
Although the hashtags position our publications within Instagram, we cannot go crazy putting a large number of them, since this is penalized by the application itself. The maximum number of hashtags that you can put in each of them is a maximum of 30.
In the stories the number is reduced to 10 so be careful and don’t go too far!We recommend that you look for those words that best position your business or project and as long as they are related to the topic you are dealing with. As you can see, although Instagram is one of the social networks that has grown the most in recent years, it also has limits that we must be very aware of so that our account is not blocked.