Fix;Instagram now allows you to zoom in on Stories

If you are an Instagram user and you like to upload and view the Stories of your contacts, you should now know that Instagram allows you to zoom in on Stories . This novelty was one of the functions most requested by users and it finally seems that they have been heard.

Fix;Instagram now allows you to zoom in on Stories

Being able to zoom in on Stories is one of the features that users have been crying out for , and Instagram has finally made it possible. The method to zoom in on Instagram Stories is really easy, but not everyone can do it for now.


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As soon as this option is activated for your Instagram, you will see a message in which Instagram notifies you that you can now zoom in on the Stories . We must not confuse the option to use the “superzoom” mode when we are recording a Story , as this is a trick that will be useful when we are recording it. Surely you have seen many users celebrate the arrival of this function, but as always it will be done in stages.

Zoom on Instagram Stories

To be able to zoom in on the Instagram Stories that you are viewing from your contacts, you will have to pinch the Story as if you were zooming in on a normal photo. In this way you can zoom very similar to the zoom that we can currently do on the photos and videos in the feed .

Although there are many users who have this function available , another large part still does not have it and it may take up to several days to reach the entire world. This function now allows us to see the photo that we are seeing in any Story of your contacts much more enlarged.

Fix;Instagram now allows you to zoom in on Stories

It may be that for many, the function of zooming in Instagram Stories is totally unnecessary because the quality of Instagram Stories is not good at all, even if we are taking the photos with an iPhone, since we all know that Instagram processing on iPhone it is much better