Electrical Impulses

Electrical impulses emitted by the brain that travel through neurons . The activity of these waves can be observed through an electroencephalogram or EEG and occurs at different frequencies, one being slower than another. Among the best known are beta, alpha, theta, delta and gamma waves. Each of them is emitted by the brain depending on the functions that are performed or the different times of the day.


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  • 1 Importance of brain waves
    • 1 Types of brain waves according to frequency range
    • 2 Generate alpha waves
      • 2.1 Tips
    • 2 See also
    • 3 Fountains

Importance of brain waves

Simply by observing a person ‘s brain wave patterns, their personality can be described . For example, anxious people tend to produce an overabundance of high beta waves while people with ADD/ADHD tend to produce an overabundance of slower alpha and theta brain waves. Researchers have found that brain waves can be stimulated to change a person’s mental state and even help treat a variety of mental disorders . Even some brain wave patterns can be used to access exotic or extraordinary experiences such as “ lucid dreams ”.” or hyperrealistic visualization.

The mental state changes throughout the day, the different types of brain waves are emitted in different combinations depending on the mental state and the mental abilities that are required at the moment, be it relaxation , learning , concentration , focused attention, etc. all this happens without being aware of it. When the brain waves have a good balance, the mental states will be the most appropriate for each situation and for each moment of the day, however when the brain remains in a single type of wave, generally in a beta state, then conflicts such as stress , with its respective physical and mental difficulties.

Types of brain waves according to frequency range

Each frequency , measured in cycles per second (Hz), has its own set of characteristics that represents a specific level of brain activity and thus a unique state of consciousness .

  • Beta Waves: Brain beta waves have a frequency that ranges approximately between 15 and 40 cycles per second, these waves are wide and fast. They have a greater presence when the person is awake and in full wakefulness, for example when he is giving a lecture or solving mathematical problems. The beta state is the common day-to-day state and can be associated with common thoughts , work, and problem solving.
  • Alpha waves: The frequency of brain alpha waves ranges from approximately 9 to 14 cycles per second, these are broader and slower than beta waves. They are usually present in the brain when the person is in a state of relaxation, generally without performing activities that involve movement . These waves can be consciously produced by performing a simple meditation . The alpha state is usually associated with relaxation, super learning, increased intuition, and overcoming stress, experts consider it the key to the subconscious , making it an appropriate state to consciously reprogram beliefs.
  • Theta Waves: Theta waves are even larger and move even slower, about 5-8 cycles per second. These waves are emitted by the brain when the person is in a state of deep meditation, or just before crossing the threshold of sleep just after waking up or moments before going to sleep, it can also occur in an almost unconscious imaginative free state that occurs when “daydreaming”. Theta state is often associated with creativity and states conducive to healing . They have the ability to promote learning by increasing cognitive processes. Although, during childhood, children have a higher Theta wave frequency than adults. This wave frequency is promoted by functions of the brain that allow it to absorb and retain a large amount of information , but this time stored in long-term memory .
  • Delta Waves: The delta waves of the brain are the ones with the greatest amplitude and also the slowest, their frequency ranges between 0.1 and 4 cycles per second, they never reach zero since the living brain never stops working. These brain waves are emitted by the brain while the person is in “the deepest state of sleep.” The delta state is related to the recovery of health due to deterioration or aging of the body… due to this it is also associated with the healing and regeneration of tissues . In most cases, there is no dream in this state since the person is completely unconscious. Brain training at this level is difficult. Delta has specific effects on the limbic system , theamygdala and hypothalamus in particular, which operate at delta frequencies. The limbic system affects emotions and the control of autonomic functions. Delta frequencies stabilize these neural structures and can be very effective in reducing migraines , fibromyalgia , chronic pain , and regulating blood pressure . Although delta frequencies are generally not as good as alpha or theta for meditation, some people have had success using delta frequencies in conjunction with relaxation.
  • Gamma Waves: Gamma brain waves recently discovered by neuroscience are the fastest as their frequency ranges between 40 and 100 cycles per second. These are not associated with everyday thoughts , although they are related to a great deal of mental activity that can include flashes of brilliance and sudden experiences of perception / intuition and moments of extreme attention, concentration and lucidity. These brain frequencies are linked to highly positive, proactive emotions such as compassion and altruistic love.

Generate alpha waves

Several options have been generated to consciously change a person’s mental state, for example in moments of great pressure or in between different activities during the day. Tools such as meditation, or simple relaxation can be done in just a few minutes a day and can help you have an optimal state of mind, allowing you to live more fully with yourself and with the environment . There are studies that show that it can contribute to generating alpha waves, which are the ones that produce relaxation. In these times when you are so stressed, nervous, imbued in cities full of noise , work overload , horn ; among others, they can be done with simplegestures activate alpha waves. Alpha Waves help concentration, see goals more clearly, calms and helps to have fewer fears , improves memory, helps lose weight , quit smoking and strengthens the immune system .


  1. . Count slowly from one hundred to one.
  2. . Sit or lie in bed , close your eyes and focus on your breath . Take deep breaths.
  3. . Listen to relaxing music . It is also shown that Baroque music awakens alpha waves. Even if you are working, you have to try to counteract the Beta waves with the Alphas that you will get by listening to music while you work.