5 Effective Exercises to Prevent a Double Chin

A double chin adds at least 5-10 years to your appearance. But fortunately, the situation can be fixed. We urge you not to wait for the problem to appear, but to find a quarter of an hour a day in your schedule to prevent it

Exercise #1

This exercise is one of the simplest, and you can do it anywhere, almost unnoticed by others. Your task is to maximally tense the muscles at the root of the tongue, to do this, press the tip on the upper and lower palate alternately. Note that if you do not feel the tension, then you are doing it incorrectly. Try to start the next exercise to feel the muscles.

Exercise #2

For this technique, it is better to find a secluded place: you will be able to avoid awkward situations, and at the same time relax and focus on the exercise. It is simple: stick out your tongue as much as possible and make circles with it. It is better to alternate the directions of rotation for uniform muscle development. For variety, you can mentally draw an infinity sign (an inverted eight) with the tip of your tongue.

Exercise #3

Imagine that there is a heavy weight hanging from your chin that you need to lift. Tighten your chin muscles and slowly raise your gaze to the ceiling. Focus on tensing your muscles, otherwise it will be useless. Keep in mind that this exercise is not suitable for those who suffer from problems with the upper spine.

Exercise #4

Surely, in childhood, at least once you tried to reach the tip of your tongue to your nose. Well, to prevent the appearance of a double chin, it’s time to remember your childhood excitement. Extend your tongue as far as possible and fix it in this position for 10-15 seconds. As with any training, it is better to start “pumping up” the chin little by little – do not overdo it the first time.

Exercise #5

Muscle tension exercises are perfectly complemented by external influences – massage. At the same time, you can apply a lifting cream. The point is to bring the skin to its senses and restore its tone without stretching it. For this reason, such a massage is usually performed by tapping the back of closed fingers on the chin. The movements should be frequent and rhythmic, and the exercises should be regular.