The huge demands of work and education on a person cause them to work hard. In some people, they may even be overworked.
Working hard can indeed make you very productive. But on the other hand, there are health problems that can also happen to you.
Waking up early in the morning and staying up until the wee hours of the morning to work even overtime can seriously affect your health. This will not only affect you physically but also emotionally.
Working too hard can also cause stress that builds up and causes extreme fatigue. This causes the body to be drained emotionally, physically, and mentally.
Fatigue at work or commonly referred to as burnout is one of the things that happens to many workers today. The World Health Organization (WHO) currently even classifies burnout as a health condition. Burnout is currently one of the health conditions that can be diagnosed and treated.
Burnout is described by WHO as a syndrome that arises from chronic stress at work that cannot be managed successfully. When a person experiences this condition, of course there are a number of health problems that make work productivity even decrease.
To avoid further problems, you need to recognize and treat this condition as soon as possible. Reporting from Medical Daily, here are a number of ways to deal with work fatigue or burnout.
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Fun is one thing that should not be ruled out especially if you are a workaholic. Give yourself things or vacations that will boost your mentality and make you realize that work is only a way to get something you love.
The best recommended way is to eat certain foods, especially those that can increase dopamine in the brain. Foods high in protein such as beef, milk, and eggs are delicious foods that you can consume to get them.
Resting is one way you can deal with fatigue. Take a nap to give your brain time to rest in the middle of a busy office.
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Nap itself has been known as a time limit between activities carried out during the day. This can recharge your energy and increase focus in getting work done.
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If you want to stay physically active, walking can be a way to prevent fatigue. This is said to be able to break your attention from the workload to other things that are more fun.
Walking in the neighborhood can make you meet lots of friends and get closer to nature. This can also be an effective way to reduce stress levels.
Consumption of Candies and Other Sweets
Sweet foods do not taste delicious on the tongue but also sweeten life. Consuming these foods can make you overcome life’s obstacles and problems very sweetly.
Consuming sweet foods can maintain your mental and emotional health. Other foods like chocolate can also help improve your brain function and fight burnout.
You can do a number of these ways to avoid further problems that might occur due to work fatigue. Do a number of these things so that you remain productive and not overwhelmed by stress and fatigue.