Plants that reproduce generatively —All living things in this world need to reproduce to propagate their own species. So, just like humans, animals and plants will also create new individuals so that their species do not become extinct from this earth.
Plant reproduction is divided into two, namely generative and vegetative. Plants that reproduce generatively use pollen and stigma for the fertilization process. While vegetative plants use parts of the plant itself such as shoots, roots, and so on.
This time we will learn about plants that reproduce generatively and important information for each plant. So, prepare your notes and listen to the explanation until the end, okay!
Examples of Plants that Reproduce Generatively
Plants that reproduce generatively using stamens and pistils usually have special parts that are their characteristics, namely:
- Flower (where the stamens and pistil are located)
- Fruit (perfect growth of the fruit ovary)
- Seeds (New plant buds)
As for examples of plants that reproduce generatively, you can see the list below:
1. Corn
Corn is a plant that is widely cultivated by people in Indonesia. This plant has flowers that are often called unisexual. This is because corn has female flowers in the leaf axils and male flowers at the end of the stem.
Therefore, corn reproduces generatively through pollination. Usually what helps this pollination process in the wild is the wind. When the wind blows, the stamens will fly and land on the stigma of another corn plant.
2. Long Beans
Long beans are plants with perfect flowers consisting of stalks, petals, crowns, stamens, and pistil heads. Therefore, this plant can reproduce generatively with the help of insects. The process occurs when insects land on the flowers and accidentally carry the stamens and spread them to other long bean plants.
3. Snake fruit
Who doesn’t know salak? When the fruit season arrives, the fruit is widely sold directly or processed into other foods. In science, salak is actually included in the type of plant that reproduces generatively and vegetatively. Generative reproduction is done by planting its seeds by humans.
4. Vanilla
Vanilla is a plant that produces vanilla powder which is often processed into food fragrances. Well, this powder is obtained from the fruit of the vanilla tree which is in the form of pods. The name vanilla is taken from a region in Mexico called Panili/Perneli .
This plant reproduces generatively with the help of insects. In Mexico, insects that often help the process are called Bees Melipona. The pistil head on vanilla flowers is covered by the flower lip so that pollination cannot occur naturally with the help of the wind. In addition, the stamens are in a higher position than the pistil head.
5. Mango
Mango is the name of a fruit and tree that originates from the border of India and Burma. This plant has spread to Southeast Asia since 1,500 years ago and now has many varieties.
This plant has flowers that tend to be short-stemmed and emit a fragrant smell. The color is pale yellow and in the middle there are 3 to 5 raised lines that are slightly dark in color. Meanwhile, the edges of the crown are white which turns reddish when it is about to wilt.
When it is time for pollination, the anthers will open to allow the pollen to pollinate the stigma. Thus, mango is a type of plant that reproduces generatively.
6. Guava
Guava is a plant that can reproduce generatively and vegetatively. Generative reproduction occurs by planting the seeds directly by humans. In other words, guava is a plant that reproduces anthropogamously or through human assistance.
7. Black Orchid
Black orchid is a type of orchid that is endangered in its natural habitat, therefore this plant is now protected. Its main characteristic lies in the tongue which is black with a few green lines and hairy. Meanwhile, the Sepal ( flower petals ) and petal (flower crown) have a light green color.
Usually, black orchids grow by attaching themselves to other plants (epiphytes). Black orchids can reproduce generatively with seeds and also vegetatively by separating their pseudo bulbs. Black orchids usually grow on old trees in swampy or coastal areas and bloom from March to June.
8. Water Hyacinth
Water hyacinth is a plant that lives in open water. It will float when in deep water and root when in shallow water. Its reproduction occurs both generatively and vegetatively.
Generative reproduction occurs in the part of the water hyacinth flower that has a mauve crown. The flowers are compound because they consist of 6 to 35 flowers with a single pistil.
9. Hibiscus
Hibiscus is one type of ornamental plant that is often planted in gardens by Indonesian people. The flowers are 6 cm to 20 cm in diameter with a shape similar to a trumpet. The pistil extends out from the base of the flower so that it can reproduce generatively. The process occurs with the help of insects that land on this flower or with the help of the wind.
One of the advantages of hibiscus is that it is resistant to very hot weather, so it is suitable for the climate in Indonesia. Usually, this plant can grow to a height of between 2 and 5 meters.
In addition to hibiscus, there are still many other ornamental plants that can be planted around the house with fairly easy care. If you are interested in ornamental plants, you can read the book Tanaman Hias Favorit Pembakar Hokiwhich discusses 16 types of popular ornamental plants complete with living conditions, maintenance methods, and tips for growing flowers .
10. Sunflower
“What does he like most?”
“ Sunflower seeds ”
Yes, for the 90s generation, the song is very familiar to the ears and maybe some of you know sunflowers from the lyrics. Well, as mentioned in the lyrics of the Hamtaro cartoon song, sunflowers have seeds. The seeds are produced from generative reproduction through natural pollination with the help of insects and also artificial pollination with the help of humans.
The characteristics of this plant are ready to pollinate when the flower petals appear, then the flower has nectar, pollen, and stigma. Butterflies and bees are two types of insects that most often help pollinate this plant. Meanwhile, humans usually spread pollen using a brushor rubbing two flowers together to exchange pollen.
11. Aster Flower
Aster is a tough flower because it can adapt to various environmental conditions and seasons. Therefore, this flower is very easy to plant, even by people who have no experience at all. Its propagation is done generatively through seeds. Usually, people buy seeds at agricultural stores or flower seedlings to then plant around the house or garden.
12. Dandelion
Dandelion is a plant that we often find in gardens near our homes. This plant grows to a height of about 40 cm, its leaves are green with sharp serrated edges. Dandelion flowers have small stalks with yellow or orange colors. Basically, this flower is formed from a collection of other small flowers called ray florets.
Well, the pollination process occurs in this ray floret naturally with the help of insects. After pollination occurs, this ray floret will turn into seeds that contain a kind of wings. These seeds then gather into one. When blown by the wind, the seeds will scatter and fly one by one because they have “wings”. If these seeds fall in the right place, then new dandelion plants will grow.
13. Coconut
Coconut is also a plant that reproduces generatively. Precisely by means of mating or fertilization using its seeds. FYI, the coconut fruit that you know is actually a coconut seed. When it is old, the coconut fruit will have new sprouts, leaves, roots, and also stems. This is what we know as coconut shoots. If so, does the coconut have flowers ?
Yup , coconut flowers are yellow with a serrated shape and there are many of them. Well, this flower is an incomplete flower because it only has one part of the flower, either stamens or pistils.
14. Rice
Pollination in rice occurs naturally with the help of the wind or is called anemogamy. The process occurs when the rice plant has produced small pollen grains. These pollen grains are very easily carried by the wind. When carried by the wind, the pollen grains will land on other plants and then meet the anthers and stigmas. Thus pollination occurs.
15. Coffee
Coffee is one of the plants widely cultivated by Indonesian people. In general, there are two ways to cultivate this plant, namely generative and vegetative. The generative method is done by sowing coffee seeds or seedlings, while the vegetative method can be through grafting, cuttings, inoculation, or tissue culture.
16. Avocado
Avocado has many names in Indonesia. In West Java, it is known as alpuket , then in East Java it is called alpokat , while in Medan it is called boah pokat or jamboo pokat . Regardless of the types of names, avocado is a plant that originates from Central America. It was first introduced to Indonesia in the 18th century and is now widely planted in gardens.
Avocado propagation can be done generatively or vegetatively. Generative propagation is done using seeds, while vegetative propagation uses grafting or budding. However, generative propagation is less popular in the community because the plant takes a long time to bear fruit, which is around 6 to 8 years.
17. Sago palm
Sago palm is a plant that is used as one of the main foods of Indonesian people, especially in Eastern Indonesia. This plant often grows in freshwater swamps, peatlands, near rivers, or water sources in swamp forest areas. Sago palm can be propagated in two ways, namely generative and vegetative. The generative method is done by planting the seeds directly in the desired place.
18. Corpse Flower
Corpse flowers are often confused with flowers Rafflesia arnoldi flower , even though both are different species. However, because both emit a foul odor and are large in size, people often think they are the same. The corpse flower itself reproduces generatively and vegetatively.
Interestingly, both occur in different phases. The vegetative phase occurs when the plant has a single stem and leaves above its tubers—similar to a papaya tree. Usually, the time needed to complete the vegetative phase lasts between 2 to 3 years. When this phase occurs, the fruit will be red and the seeds will grow at the base of the flower. Meanwhile, the generative phase occurs when the corpse flower begins to bloom. For your information, this flower has 3 parts, namely female flowers, male flowers, and also appendix.
19. Palm Oil
Oil palm is a plant used to make cooking oil. This plant, which originates from Africa, is spread across almost all of Indonesia, from Aceh, Java, to Sulawesi. Oil palm usually grows in tropical areas with an altitude of around 0 to 500 meters above sea level. This plant requires a climate with stable rainfall so it is suitable for planting in Indonesia.
Oil palms reproduce generatively. Usually, the oil palm fruit will ripen under certain conditions and its embryo will germinate to produce shoots (plumule) and root buds (radicle).
20. Rough Forest Cempaka
Cempaka Hutan kasar or Elmerrilia ovalisis a flower that is characteristic of West Sulawesi Province. This flower only grows on Sulawesi Island and is found in many areas of Sulawesi and Maluku. This flower comes from a tree that is about 45 meters high with a trunk with a diameter of 2 meters. The trunk is light brown and in certain parts the bark of the tree is peeling.