Coursing, pursuit of hares by greyhounds, not by scent but by sight.This sport is very exciting and satisfies the dog, and the owner who enjoys watching his dog inside the natural environment.The Coursing game season lasts from about Sept. to March, the Altcar or Waterloo meeting, which decides the champion- ship, coming in Feb. The Waterloo Cup, the courser’s Derby, is so called from having been originated in 1836 by the proprietor of the Waterloo Hotel, Liverpool, who gave the cup.
In coursing speed of dog is all about matters.It decides the points as follows: on speed: the go-by, when a greyhound starts a clear length behind, and in a straight run gains a clear lead; the turn, bringing the hare round at a right angle or more; the wrench, turning it at less than a right angle; the trip, throwing It over, but failing to kill; the kill. The judge may declare a no course’ if the trial is not satisfactory, or a tie if points are equal. His decision is signaled by the flag-steward.
The victory goes not necessarily to the greyhound that kills, but to the one that does most to make the kill possible. Some experienced dogs are artful, and manage to get the kill themselves after leaving all the work to the others; this tendency has often been proved hereditary.
Elements And Features of Coursing Greyhounds.
The coursing events are organized in a natural setting. The course possibilities offered by the field (desirable area of 2 hectares minimum); Elevations, vegetation, natural obstacles (bushes, rivers).
The pulleys, re arranged in agreement with the decoy and the chief of the track under the control of the judge of the race, according to an official and precise regulation, make it possible to make the best use of the ground.
The judgment is made by the notification of 6 criteria, namely: speed, ardor, address, resistance, tactical behavior and capture. It essentially consists in appreciating, by noting from 0 to 5 points, the six aptitudes. These qualities are therefore appreciated throughout the course, each of which can be more particularly during certain sequences then giving bonus points.
The first round is scored on a scale of 25 points maximum, the second on a scale of 25, to which are added bonus points. The greyhound with the highest score is declared winner of the championship.
The teams consist (randomly) of two greyhounds (red and blue), of the same breed and if possible of the same sex, maintained initially by their owner.
At the end of these two rounds, the addition of the points obtained by each greyhound makes it possible to establish the final ranking for each race; it is indeed unthinkable to imagine a single ranking where we would find side by side an Irish Wolfhound (larger existing dog, 7 to 9 cm more at the withers than the Great Dane for 55 kg) and a PLI (the Small Italian Greyhound male measuring 38 cm at the withers for 5 kg).
The international Regulation of Coursing Dogs
size limit;
for Whippets Male, 51cm max, without weight limit; Female Whippets, 48cm, without weight limit. PLI (male and female), 38cm. Beyond the size standards Greyhound, runs, only in the demonstration frame, or track openings.
Age limit ;
8 years
Mandatory muzzle,
A red coat and a white coat (red and blue in France),
5 scoring criteria (each from 0 to 20 points): speed, intelligence, ardor, skill and resistance,
Each judge awards a maximum of 100 points per round, 2 to 3 judges officiating for an international event,
3 judges officiate, together on the same field, during the final for the award of the title of Champion of European Coursing which thus relates to 600 points.
The events, which take place in two rounds (morning and afternoon), judge:
- 1 – Speed;
- 2 – The address;
- 3 – The ardor;
- 4 – The obstacle;
- 5 – The ability to make returns;
- 6 – Resistance;
- 7 – The ability to capture successfully.