World’s Greatest Revolutionary World – The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

The pre-Islamic Arabs were a breed of beggars. They had nothing to do with minimum military power, economic power, political stability, morality, social and family ties, the practice of knowledge and science, human excellence, mutual brotherhood, unity. There were only hereditary civil wars, genocidal violence, bloodshed, enmity, limitless ignorance, prejudice, promiscuity, adultery, theft, robbery, robbery, extortion, drug addiction, slavery, kinship infidelity, Etc. torture of women. That is, there was nothing in the good, but there was nothing left in the bad. We all know the history of where the worldly prophet took the people engaged in that immorality and barbarism in just 20 years, and it was not until decades after his disappearance, that the Arabs reached a pinnacle of progress. The only person who has fueled this unimaginable explosion of hungry-naked Arabs is the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). And in doing so, the great revolutionary man has to walk the ‘impossibly dynamic’ on every side of an extreme backward nation, with great enthusiasm in every courtyard. From the birth process of a baby to the funeral after death – there is no henna aspect of human life that he did not have to think about or talk about. ). And in doing so, the great revolutionary man has to walk the ‘impossibly dynamic’ on every side of an extreme backward nation, with great enthusiasm in every courtyard. From the birth process of a baby to the funeral after death – there is no henna aspect of human life that he did not have to think about or talk about. ). And in doing so, the great revolutionary man has to walk the ‘impossibly dynamic’ on every side of an extreme backward nation, with great enthusiasm in every courtyard. From the birth process of a baby to the funeral after death – there is no henna aspect of human life that he did not have to think about or talk about.

He has to think about the global context, foreign policy and home policy, the economy, social relations, family ties, and even the smallest personal issues. He had to solve this life along with the Hereafter, the body as well as the soul. Thousands of problems were to appear before him. He could say whatever question he had in front of him. He would raise all the demands, expectations and expectations. Each man’s thoughts, beliefs, career was different. Different tribes had different customs. Meanwhile, the enemy was waging a series of wars. Sometimes the existence of a nation would come into question, such as the trench war or the blockade! Nevertheless, he formed a nation, smashing down a wall of obstacles. First, unifying people of different faiths, different cultures, different diets and different livelihoods on the basis of certain minimum conditions, Then the nation’s state, economic system, justice system, social system, education system, medical system, market system, family system, etc. were made a little. He has had to instill a sense of unity among non-human beings. Chaotic people have to teach discipline. Pride and disobedience have to be obeyed. A nation in the pursuit of knowledge has to move towards knowledge and science. The weapon that was used only for vengeful hostility, has to ensure the use of that weapon in the way of human welfare. Family arrangements etc. He has had to instill a sense of unity among non-human beings. Chaotic people have to teach discipline. Pride and disobedience have to be obeyed. A nation in the pursuit of knowledge has to move towards knowledge and science. The weapon that was used only for vengeful hostility, has to ensure the use of that weapon in the way of human welfare. Family arrangements etc. He has had to instill a sense of unity among non-human beings. Chaotic people have to teach discipline. Pride and disobedience have to be obeyed. A nation in the pursuit of knowledge has to move towards knowledge and science. The weapon that was used only for vengeful hostility, has to ensure the use of that weapon in the way of human welfare.

This is a direction, an external direction. The other side is even more significant. Spiritual change is more important than the external change of the nation. He knew that it was not too long before those who followed his path had passed the age of ignorance. He also had to make sure that the ignorance did not rise again. Women were considered as the objects of consumer goods. He had to establish the rights that women deserve. Not only was the ban on adultery his last words, he also had to demonstrate the way in which social-family life would be pollution-free and peaceful. The society in which the maids were thought to be merely sexual objects, the object of entertainment, is to believe that the maids are blood-flesh people like you, they have their hearts and they also have sorrow. They are not instruments. You are the creation of God, They are the creation of Allah. All men are the children of one parent Adam Eve, in the eyes of God all are equal. To uphold this belief, he himself married a maid, Maria Kibtia, to the status of a wife.

The Messenger of Allah knew that providing slavery was not the only solution. As long as the freedom fighters do not enjoy the same dignity as any other ten people in the society, the fight must continue. As a result, in the psychological struggle to ensure the dignity of slaves, the greatest of all time, he set some examples that will forever be remembered in the history of the world. On the day of the conquest of Makkah, half-naked Habshi Belal (RA) raised the roof of the Ka’bah and clashed with the Quraish and the pride of the world. “This is Islam. These are the values ​​of Islam. Those of you who do not think people are more dear to my God than this family. By this the Messenger of Allah left another wide lesson for the Ummah that In Islam, the ability to lead will be determined on the basis of skills, not ethnic lineage. These are not a single event, but a milestone.

Belal on the roof of the Ka’bah (RA)

It is history that Carl Marx, an impossibly talented man, spent his entire life working tirelessly to invent only a theory of economic redemption. That theory, too, is not balanced, completely self-deprecating, so unnatural. But the cosmopolitan is not just economy, not only national policy, not just laws and regulations, not just governance, only women’s rights assurance, not only workers’ rights assurance, not only to meet people’s biological needs, not just to meet spiritual needs, not just Not just the emancipation, but the “full” and “balanced” direction of humankind’s “collective” life, and the tireless work of only 25 years It was by applying it manually. He alone has dragged a nation from the sea of ​​ignorance. It is beyond the scope of the imagination!

Recently, a class has raised the issue of why they did not officially declare slavery of Allah, banning polygamy, prohibiting polygamy, bloodshed and so on. There was no need to bother with researching what Allah’s Messenger did not do if they were able to understand what he did, What he had to accomplish was only a few years apart. In the context of women’s rights, after the French Revolution in Europe, women have been killed in guillotine by agitating for the right to vote only. Until then the situation in Europe is so miserable, it is easy to guess what was on the other side of the world. And if women of the eighteenth or nineteenth century suffer such a condition, then it is conceivable that the deprived and neglected women of the barbarian population would have been infected in a barbaric population five years ago. The history of the world in which the worldly prophet elevated women from that position. The participation of women in every aspect of national and social life has been ensured, even world-renowned women have waged war. Men and women used to establish salah at the mosque together with the Prophet. Used to do Hajj together. The Prophet’s meeting, listening to the sermon, If you knew anything, you would know the question. It is also known that the personal affairs of the Prophet were consulted with women. A mosque was set up at the mosque to provide medical treatment for the warlords, whose caretaker was a woman, Rufaidah (RA). During the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar (ra), a woman, Shefa (ra), took charge of the market. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has given the details of the heroism that Umm Ammara fought for on behalf of the Muslim forces.

Muslim women warriors in arms at the Battle of Yarmouk.


At the moment of the catastrophic defeat of the Muslims in the battle of Oudh, Umm Ammara fought with extraordinary valor. Later, Rasulullah (saw) praised his war.

I do not understand how these histories ignore feminism. Thousands of lines continue to be written about why he married thirteen, even though the man had not changed a word so thankfully to him. But if the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not have thirteen marriages, only a patriarch had thirteen sex maids, but nobody had anything to say. Forget why, in that era, social status was calculated by the amount of slaves.

Likewise, those who are shouting that the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not formally declare slavery as a taboo were able to forsake the vision that Rasulullah had stiffened with slavery and made the owner-worker relationship look fresh in the mold of modern values. Can anyone imagine the values ​​he taught people today? Only three conditions-

  1. No one can be forced to labor,
  2. The worker’s wages must be paid before his sweat dries,
  3. Whatever you eat, wear, you have to eat and wear it.

Do these values ​​also apply to today’s so-called modern civilization? Is not Allah’s Messenger replaced slavery by establishing fraternal relations, as well as “making everyone equal in the eyes of God” – by creating these values. On the other hand, those who smell slavery in Islam have no place for love, brotherhood, abandonment of the employer-workers in the capitalist system. Here the employer-worker relationship is hostile, Of hatred and bitterness. Adi slavery has been wrapped in freedom of color, but those who do not feel the need to write even a single word against this hypocrite are ridiculous when it comes to the history of slavery in Islam. If slavery was banned, would the problems be solved? In America, slavery was banned and white-and-black was banned by the law a few centuries ago. But the white-and-black space could not be removed today. Even today, whites kill blacks and demand for justice. Keep in mind – mental changes cannot be made by law. But it was the duty of Viswanabi to make the external and spiritual changes of the people.

Thousands of laws will solve this problem?

Those who can fully understand the life of the messenger of Allah know how hard Islam struck at the root of slavery. If the wonderful nation he had worked hard for all his life, the nation that had established justice, justice and human rights in the half-world after his disappearance, had not suddenly forgotten the goal, then there would have been no doubt that the grave of all misconduct, including slavery from the earth at that time. . Even today those who are campaigning for women’s liberation would have been fulfilled. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. Isn’t that what the worldly prophet is responsible for? How blind, how much conscience is lost, how narrow is it to forget the genuine pursuit and sacrifice of a man’s life for the good of humanity, passing on the greatest revolution ever led by him and criticizing his personal marriage and so on?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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