World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth – How to Beat Atal’Dazar Bosses

In this guide, we will tell you how to kill the most powerful mobs and go through bosses

Atal’Dazar is an uncomplicated dungeon, despite a lot of harmful mobs and not the easiest bosses. In this guide, we will show the most convenient scheme for passing, we will tell you how to defeat the Priestess of Alun’za, Vol’kaal, Rezan and Yazme. And first of all, we will touch on the passage of mobs.

Passing mobs

  1. Difficult mobs are located here, but it is better to go through this zone. Pass success is control. Before the battle, classes that know how to control, first of all, neutralize the spiritual father or Avdur, and if there is additional control, the destroyer is also possible. After that, the tank provokes other mobs, pulls them out of the pile and the attacking classes kill opponents with massive spells.
  2. A very nasty area with monsters that fill the floor with poisonous puddles. It is not recommended to follow it at the very beginning of the dungeon. But you still have to destroy one such group. How to do this – we will tell you in the fourth paragraph.
  3. The center of the dungeon, to which four bridges lead. In the middle dinosaurs roam with a beater. It is best to get around them by waiting for them to go the other way. Also notice a group of dinosaur monsters and one pterrordax.

Get lost in one heap and use massive spells. The target for the abilities is to choose the pterrordax, as it has to knock down the spell preparation strip. If you don’t, fear will hang on the group, causing the players to scatter to the sides.

  1. There are two dangerous groups here. One of them – spellcasters, turning into a frog, infecting other players with it. Either knock down her preparation spell, or control one of them.

A more dangerous group awaits you upstairs. It consists of two spellcasters, two guards and a totem. Also nearby are two mobs in invisibility. Try to exit the stairs to the right side, or vice versa from the right side to the stairs. So you will attract invisible people and kill them separately, and then cross to the main group.

The tactics are as follows. Control one of the spellcasters, move the other spellcaster and guards away from the totem. It is important not to hit the totem, otherwise the guards will begin to spray puddles around, which will aggravate the situation. Also, if you destroy the totem ahead of time, all spellcasters will be out of control, and the fight will become more difficult.

Therefore, control the spellcaster and lead the whole group out. Kill one spellcaster, then the second, and only then destroy the totem and kill the guards. This is where we finished with mobs and will move on to how to complete the dungeon with the greatest efficiency.

Walkthrough (start)

First, you should decide how many classes you can control in your group. This can be done, for example, by classes such as Rogue, Mage, and Demon Hunter. If you have at least one controlling class, go to the right side. For more details, see point 1 in the “Passing mobs” section. Your path will look something like this:

First Boss: Priestess Alun’za


The boss tactics are pretty simple. There are only a few points to consider:

  • During the battle, the Spirit of Gold will appear. Attacking classes switch to him and start killing.
  • The boss will throw pools of blood. You should get up on them 1-2 seconds before the start of the “transfusion”. If a puddle has dissolved, step on another. The DBM addon will help you to see the time.
  • Attacking classes should try to close as many puddles as possible, otherwise the boss will heal.

Walkthrough to Vol’kaal

Now you can go through the center and reach the second boss. First, there will be a descent with fire – try not to fall under it, otherwise you will receive huge damage. Stand between the holes of fire, or go down into the corner and kill mobs. Don’t forget to control them. Then you go to the center (points 3 and 4 “Passage of mobs”).

Boss 2: Vol’kaal

The very first thing to remember: if you start a battle, then the rest of the party members must enter the arena with the boss, otherwise the passage will close and you will be left without someone in the group. The fight itself is divided into two phases:

“First phase” . Everything is simple here. The tank distracts the boss, the healer heals him. The attacking classes are distributed among the three totems and begin to destroy them. The whole point is that you have to kill them almost at the same time. Once one of the totems has one health unit left, you have six seconds to kill the rest, otherwise they will heal.

The tactics here are pretty simple. Finish the Totem to 30,000 health. after which, look at what point others are stuck on. As soon as everyone else reaches the 30,000 mark, start finishing off the totem. If everything is bad with the damage, agree with the group about a lower mark. After the totems are destroyed, the second phase will begin.

“Second phase” . The boss begins to spew poisonous puddles across the battlefield. The tank provokes the boss and leads him around the edges of the triangle:

Try not to run in vain. When there is a puddle under you, move a little to the side. Middle classes run next to the tank. The distant ones can stand in the middle. The healer is at his discretion. If any of the classes have accelerating abilities, like the Time Warp for mages, let’s do it in the second phase!

Walkthrough to Rezan

It is quite easy to go to it. Move away from the second boss and jump down.

Third boss: Rezan

The most important thing in a duel with this boss is correct positioning. Best place to kill a boss:

The reasons for choosing a location are as follows. Firstly, there are two columns, which are convenient to hide behind. Secondly, there is water, on which you can run, so as not to touch the purple puddles.

Now let’s move on to the boss’s abilities:

“Terrifying image” . Before him, you should run behind the column, otherwise fear will be used on you and you risk stepping into purple puddles, then a mob will immediately appear. If this happens, take the mob to the tank for a provocation. Attacking classes switch to the mob and kill it.

Examples of places to hide from the Horrific Image

“Pursuit” . Rezan will pay attention to one of the players and run towards him, after which he will grab with his mouth and deal damage for eight seconds. The simplest thing is to run away from him. Hunters and mages can use abilities that completely absorb damage, which will give the healer a respite, and the rest of the attackers – the opportunity to deal decent damage. The tank, if he is sure that he will survive the capture, can stand still, and the healer will need to heal the tank.

Overall, the boss is uncomplicated and easy to kill if positioned correctly. A small hint – when Rezan is chasing you, run away to the opposite column, so the tank won’t have to take the boss to the old place.

Walkthrough to Yazma

You should go up the stairs and go to the middle of the dungeon and go through the center:

All the nuances with the center look at point 3 in the “Passage of mobs” section.

Fourth boss: Yazma

The last boss of the dungeon also poses no serious danger. Basically, consider several abilities:

“Tearing a Soul” . A mark will appear above you, with which you should run as far as possible from the tank. Next, a mob will appear, which should be slowed down as best as possible and cause a lot of damage. Don’t forget to help your allies deal with their clones – especially healers. It is best to bring the mobs to the player with a massive slowdown.

“Echo of Shadra” (spiders) . They usually just wander around the battlefield, but occasionally grow up and chase random players. Because of them, the tactic does not work well, when clones are killed in a dead end in the middle. If you step on a spider, it forms a dark puddle and deals a lot of damage