Working from home and making money: 5 challenges

orking from home is really a big temptation and many people ask me about how I do it. In general, there are many benefits of working from home-office, such as flexible hours, the possibility of having a balance between work and personal life, not to mention proximity to the family …

But there is a reality that I think is little talked about and that can frustrate many people.

In this research , the respondents identified the concerns and obstacles to working remotely.

Personally, I exercise the craft of teaching online and offline. So it is necessary to have even more discipline, because I have to reconcile the two things and still family, day-to-day commitments, etc.

Next, I will describe 5 challenges of this type of work:

1. Separating work from personal time

When work is at home, and the home is a workplace, it can be difficult to separate the two – especially in the era of smartphones, where we can carry work in our pockets. So…

Set boundaries:

Disable your email notifications. Limit notifications from Slack apps, email, or other software.

If you work for a company, tell your team your schedules. For example, when will you be online and when will you be offline.

When you are part of a totally remote team, it is important that you create clarity with your team about when or when you will not respond to their messages.

Staying focused in a remote environment is not just about willpower or discipline …

Establish rituals :

Create rituals that mark the beginning and end of work. That is, in addition to defining the work schedule, you can also start and end rituals for the day.

There is a friend I know who works with product affiliation. To create a ritual, he made a uniform for him to work on. He does all his routine as if he were going to leave the house, and when he leaves, he enters the office. In doing so he sends the message to the brain and “turns the key” to the mental process.

You can include early morning walks, a time with the kids to talk, in short, you can create a series of procedures to guide you on your journey.

Eliminate distractions:

There are many distractions in everyday life and at home it is no different. Be it a trip to the fridge to pay attention to Facebook messages,  keep in mind to stay focused. As I said at the beginning  reconfigure the technology so you don’t take time.

This is a very, very important issue that has taken thousands of people out of work! Remember: Productivity doesn’t go out of style.

Watch out for distractions and stay focused by balancing activities.

2 – Communication problems

It is not uncommon to work with people from countries and cultures other than ours.

Therefore, communication can become even more challenging for those who work at home and communication problems can amplify.

Open communication channels

Be available to chat, be accessible. Communication is accessibility and availability.

If possible, make videoconferences (to reduce trips), answer chats and don’t forget to focus on good face-to-face conversation when possible.

A face-to-face conversation can be much more effective, considering some issues – we are human, we like to talk!

A matter of warning:  beware of the famous unproductive meetings. Create meeting guidelines. Ex: meetings without agenda, say no!

Keep an agenda in hand or electronically to take note of the meeting and leave the way for the next meeting, so time is saved and there is a way to charge those responsible.

3 – Establish a bond

The union can be badly affected if you work from home for a company that has a team.

Virtual or personal conversations are a valuable investment in productivity, retention and engagement.

Always try to maintain bonds in person at least once a year.

If you work as a  freelancer,  try to have a social life with some activities. An important point is to take a course or participate in lectures and in-person events to “see the world outside”.

4. Loneliness and lack of human interaction

As wonderful as the trip to your office is just a few meters away, it is very easy to get into a work routine just to realize that the days have passed and you have barely left the house.

Build socialization

Commit to having at least one social activity on your daily schedule; be it a 15-minute phone call to grandma, coffee with a friend or lunch with your partner. Put it on your calendar so you can look forward to it and keep you accountable!

If you start to feel isolated, sometimes a change of scenery is just what you need. You can explore public places like coffee shops,  coworkings  etc.

5. Getting feedback is difficult

This can often be difficult as a remote worker, but there are some techniques you can use to promote an open and effective feedback environment.

If you work for a company, seek constant feedback on your work from your boss.

As a  freelancer,  you can evaluate your results every month and compare previous periods.

In conclusion, when done well, we are still convinced that professionals in remote work far outweigh the cons.

The reality is that no job is perfect.  Like anything, remote work takes time to get used to, and even after months or years, there will always be aspects of remote work that are easier than others.

Understanding these common challenges is the first step to successful remote work – remember what works for one person and may not work well for another.

Finally, working remotely requires diligence and a commitment to be honest with yourself and your team when something is going wrong, so you can work together to change that!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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