Words a salesperson should never say

To the good connoisseur, half a word is enough” . If you work in sales, you know that words are essential in the process of convincing the customer. More important than knowing what to say, it is knowing what not to say, because one word can compromise the whole process, causing the client to lose confidence in you and in some cases, even create dislike.

We can call this a “ communication error ” and you must police yourself so that it doesn’t happen to you. Many of them are addictions that many salespeople have, believing that it makes them sell better, when in fact, they only harm themselves. To avoid them, here are examples of what should not be said when selling to a customer.

·                                 “This product is the best on the market”

Nobody falls for that anymore, do they? To say that your product is the best on the market is an immense superb and sounds like a “salesman chat”. Either you work with a very consolidated product on the market, where a consensus considers you the best product on the market, or exclude that phrase from your repertoire.

·                                 “You are wrong”

Of course, a salesperson, because he has confidence in what he sells, can sometimes feel intimidated by a customer, as he often thinks he knows everything about the product. The seller, however willing to say that, should never do so, after all we are talking about your sale and upsetting the customer so harshly is not the best way for him to buy from you.

To be more sympathetic, choose “I understand what you’re saying. But let me explain … ”, this will certainly count points in your favor.

·                                 “Do not know”

Unpreparedness! Unfortunately, that’s what it sounds like in the customer’s mind. So when you don’t know about that specific item of the product, choose: “I don’t have this information at the moment, but I’ll let you know and I’ll get back to you”, it sounds better and shows humility, the greatest virtue that we can all have as salespeople and also our personal qualities.

·                                 “Hello friend, welcome”

This may work for some of the customers, but not for the other. After all, there are more conservative people. Don’t treat them like you’re their best friend, it will sound fake to them. Be as professional as possible, and have a service as it should be done, with attention, information and mainly: solving your problem. That is enough.

·                                 “How much do you plan to spend?”

This is practically a selection of the client’s financial power. It sounds as if the store only sells expensive products, and the customer needs to inform how much he intends to spend to know if he is financially fit or not to buy the products offered in the store. The point is that it is a very personal question, and if the customer does not say how much he intends to spend, you should not ask. This can become embarrassing and the chances of you not making the sale will only increase.

·                                 “I’m new here”

Trust my friend, trust! Even if you have just started this new endeavor, always try to show that you have been in the role for years. Preparation is essential in this process, as it will empower you and make your service better. Try as little as possible to demonstrate that you are new to the house, after all, good hiring is what arrives and is already in the team’s way of playing.

Find out  what the empathy map is and how it can increase your sales

·                                 “I need to hit my goal”

Is that a customer problem? The one, who arrived at the end of the day or month, often ends up having to hear this kind of thing. Understand, no one is going to spend money to hit the salesperson’s goal and it may sound ridiculous.

·                                 “No one has ever complained about this before”

If no one has complained before, then can the dissatisfied customer be considered a winner? Right? Who knows how to play the lottery? Never say that to a complaint, as he may feel that you are doubting your complaint and consequently feel offended, or even think that your problem will take time to be resolved, after all “nobody has ever complained about this before”.

·                                 “Make yourself comfortable”

Making the customer comfortable, when he just wants to observe the products is not a bad idea. The problem is to ignore him completely, when in fact he needs help to clarify doubts, even if he doesn’t want to buy. The customer may lose interest in the store if he does not have any assistance, and feel that the seller was just waiting for the next customer to enter.

The tip is to keep the attention and give the space that the customer wants to receive. Waist game is here is always important.

·                                 “This is not my problem, I can’t do anything”

This is also a great inelegance with the customer. Because it appears that your intention is not to help you, but just to sell the product. Even if it is not in your hands to solve the problem, I do my best to instruct the client and keep him safe. Nobody likes problems when buying a product and being rude will keep the customer from ever returning to the business you work for.

·                                 “It’s another department’s fault”

Accepting responsibility, even when you are not responsible, will convey greater professionalism to the client. If the problem is really from another department, send the customer there as friendly as possible, this will be safe.

To say that it is the fault of another department, gives the client the feeling of “go there, get by yourself” and this should never happen.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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