Women’s microflora: what can go wrong?

The intimate microflora is a complex and capricious element of the female body. It requires attention and care. What violations of microflora can be encountered and why – we will tell you right now. Don’t forget to watch the video and take the test at the end of the article for a chance to win gifts!

There are several main types of violations of the female flora. Let’s take a look at them:

  • Candidiasis, he is a thrush. Probably, there is no woman who has not heard about these characteristic symptoms: itching, burning, cheesy discharge.
  • Bacterial vaginosis (BV), aka gardnerellosis. It often goes unnoticed. The most typical grayish-foamy discharge and an unpleasant “fishy” odor from them. There is no particular feeling of discomfort. But this is just the most harmful option. The permanent existence of BV can increase the risk of developing cervical cancer, inflammation of the uterus and tubes – with all the ensuing consequences, up to infertility and surgical treatment. And also the risk of intrauterine infection of the baby (if BV was during pregnancy) and the risk of inflammation of the uterus after childbirth.
  • Nonspecific vulvovaginitis. With it, the discharge can be very diverse, but, as a rule, yellowish or greenish with an obvious sense of discomfort.
  • Atrophic vulvovaginitis. It manifests itself against the background of a decrease in the moisture content of the mucous membrane in the intimate area due to a variety of reasons.
  • Cytolytic vaginosis. It develops as a result of excessive hygiene in the vintimal zone, but, fortunately, is rare. It manifests itself almost like a thrush, but it is not, and there is no candidiasis in smears.

Why is this happening and what to do?

It is important to remember that the microflora “there” is vast, diverse and subject to many influences. Infections, stress, poor diet, poor hygiene, climate change and much more affect the state of the flora. If the problem has arisen once and often does not recur, then one course of treatment after an appropriate examination by a gynecologist is enough.

Another situation is if the problem comes back regularly. This happens with excess body weight and fluctuations in blood sugar. Also, the flora is not stable if the balance of vitamins, estrogens and the microbiome of the body as a whole is disturbed. In this case, it makes sense to undergo an examination and select an individual nutraceutical program, correct hormonal changes or changes in the microbiome. Well, another common reason (especially after childbirth and after 35-40 years) is a gaping where everything should be closed. This is the result of tears, deformations, muscle and wall weakness in the intimate area. As a result, the flora from linen and skin gets inside and causes a constant aggravation. In this case, you can resort to the services of aesthetic gynecology and solve this issue without serious operations – for example, introduce fillers.

What are the causes of vaginal dysbiosis (if there are no sexually transmitted infections):

  • Disorders of the intestinal flora (including parasitosis)
  • Systemic candidiasis in general
  • Insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus
  • Food intolerances
  • Gaping genital fissure
  • Estrogen deficiency for various reasons
  • Stress of any origin: food, exercise, sea, sun exposure, colds
  • Features of immunoreactivity and rare congenital diseases such as PID (primary immunodeficiency, not AIDS)

A complex approach

Such violations of the flora require consultation with a gynecologist and testing. It is the doctor who assesses the complete picture and prescribes treatment. Among other things, the recovery program may include a special diet, hygiene with the correct cleaning agents and the addition of lactobacilli in the form of probiotics, which have a positive effect on the vaginal microbiocenosis.

Vagilak capsules contain two strains of lactobacilli – Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1® and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14® – and can help normalize the intimate microflora. Conveniently, the capsules are oral, that is, taken orally – you just need to drink it with water. Vagilak can be taken during menstruation, at work, on the road or at home.

Even more useful and interesting information awaits you in our video interview. Look, take part in our test and get the opportunity to win a set of cosmetics and a certificate for 1,500 rubles.


by Abdullah Sam
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