Women with long hair from Dazhai village

Residents of the Yao ethnic group in the Chinese village of Dazhai, Guangxi Zhang Autonomous Region, were included in the Guinness Book of Records for their tradition of having long hair. The average hair length of the representatives of this village reaches 1.5 meters, and the record is considered to be 2 meters long. A Yao girl can cut her hair only once in her life, at the age of 16. After this ritual, she can look for her love and get married. Her grandmother will make a headdress from the cut hair, which will then be presented to her chosen one on the wedding day.

Women with long hair from Dazhai village

Walking among the rice terraces, you can see these beautiful beauties almost everywhere. Small in stature, but very hardy, the women work both in rice plantations and as porters of things for tourists. Putting a wicker basket on his back and placing a huge suitcase in it, he climbs from hill to hill with dexterity and amazing speed. When we came to these parts for the first time, we were initially shy about the offer of help carrying our things. But then we realized that it was sooo in vain) Our journey became longer by about two hours for sure. Constantly uphill. And these beauties have already managed to run up and down several times.

For a small fee, many of them are willing to demonstrate their hairstyle and show the process of styling such long hair.

You can visit villages where small tribes live by joining our annual tour of the southern provinces of China in October.

You can visit villages where small tribes live by joining our annual tour of the southern provinces of China in October .


The women with long hair from Dazhai village are a living testament to the power of tradition, community, and cultural heritage. Their luscious locks symbolize more than just physical beauty—they are a reflection of a way of life that is deeply rooted in history and tradition. By continuing to nurture and cherish their long hair, the women of Dazhai village keep alive a precious legacy that transcends time and connects them to their past, present, and future.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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