Witch hazel or Hamamelis virginiana: therapeutic properties

The Witch Hazel (Hamamelis Viriginiana) is a very precious plant for our body because it helps to strengthen the venous walls and eliminates the accumulation of liquids in the body. It is used in different forms: decoction, herbal tea, mother tincture, ointments.

The witch hazel is a shrub that can reach 7 m in height belonging to the Hamamelidaceae family. It is also called, from English, “witch’s hazel”, because its fruits recall the flavor of hazelnuts and the trunk is used to make broomsticks which in legend is the means of transporting witches. The flowers are yellow and shaped like small threads. Originally from the eastern regions of the United States, witch hazel is now also cultivated in Europe. In North America it is among the best-selling herbal products. The Native Americans used it in case of inflammation and as a cicatrizant, it was also used by sorcerers who attributed magical powers to it. While in the nineteenth century, the distillate was used against sunburnsand eye irritation, after long exposure to light. The leaves and or twigs are harvested at any time of the year; they must then be dried in a dry and sunny place.

The contents of the plant and how it is used

Witch hazel is one of the richest plants in tannins, substances with anti-inflammatory and anti-diarrheal properties, stop bleeding, constrict blood vessels, strengthen vein walls and counteract blood stagnation. Saponins are also present, substances that eliminate the accumulation of liquids in the body, and flavonoids that increase the resistance of the capillaries and are powerful antioxidants .

It is used as a decoction: the bark is coarsely chopped and boiled in water, boiled for 10-15 minutes and filtered.
The herbal tea is obtained by boiling the water and immersing the leaves (dried and crushed); cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes.There is the mother dye obtained by maceration in food alcohol of leaves and bark.
Suppositories and ointments based on witch hazel can also be found, such as leaves and bark, in herbalist’s shops and specialized pharmacies.

The benefits: When witch hazel can be useful

For febrites, varicose veins, varicose vein ulcers, hemorrhoids (which are felt in the first heat). The plant’s functionality decreases venous stagnation, strengthening the walls and permeability of blood vessels.
In acute diarrhea. For inflammation of the gums and throat, thanks to the anti-inflammatory action of tannins.
In the case of hemorrhoids, it is possible to make external compresses soaked in a decoction of bark. In cosmetics it is used for its astringent, lightening action with a refreshing and anti-reddening effect. For capillary fragility and varicose veins you can use the ointments on the market that do not eliminate the problem but light up the varicose veins.
The herbal tea works well in the case of diarrhea and gargles always made with herbal tea or decoction reduce inflammation of the throat and gums.
In herbal medicine it is used as a first aid remedy for its astringent properties.

Witch hazel, a powerful homeopathic remedy

Hamamelis virginiana is also a homeopathic remedy obtained from the fresh bark of the twigs and root. It is prescribed to those who suffer from the lack of appreciation and respect from others becoming lonely and depressed. If sick, they become restless and irritable (remember that homeopathy treats the whole person with psychic and physical symptoms). Physical symptoms consist of inflamed varicose veins and hemorrhoids, bleeding (heavy menstruation or epistaxis). The symptoms improved with fresh air, reading and speaking. The deterioration occurs with hot and humid air and with movement.

Witch hazel or Hamamelis virginiana: therapeutic properties and homeopathic remedy

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The Witch Hazel (Hamamelis Viriginiana) is a very precious plant for our body because it helps to strengthen the venous walls and eliminates the accumulation of liquids in the body. It is used in different forms: decoction, herbal tea, mother tincture, ointments.

Witch hazel or Hamamelis Virginiana: a phytotherapeutic and homeopathic remedy with known effects on blood vessels.

The witch hazel is a shrub that can reach 7 m in height belonging to the Hamamelidaceae family. It is also called, from English, “witch’s hazel”, because its fruits recall the flavor of hazelnuts and the trunk is used to make broomsticks which in legend is the means of transporting witches. The flowers are yellow and shaped like small threads. Originally from the eastern regions of the United States, witch hazel is now also cultivated in Europe. In North America it is among the best-selling herbal products. The Native Americans used it in case of inflammation and as a cicatrizant, it was also used by sorcerers who attributed magical powers to it. While in the nineteenth century, the distillate was used against sunburnsand eye irritation, after long exposure to light. The leaves and or twigs are harvested at any time of the year; they must then be dried in a dry and sunny place.

The contents of the plant and how it is used

Witch hazel is one of the richest plants in tannins, substances with anti-inflammatory and anti-diarrheal properties, stop bleeding, constrict blood vessels, strengthen vein walls and counteract blood stagnation. Saponins are also present, substances that eliminate the accumulation of liquids in the body, and flavonoids that increase the resistance of the capillaries and are powerful antioxidants .
It is used as a decoction: the bark is coarsely chopped and boiled in water, boiled for 10-15 minutes and filtered.
The herbal tea is obtained by boiling the water and immersing the leaves (dried and crushed); cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes.
There is the mother dye obtained by maceration in food alcohol of leaves and bark.
Suppositories and ointments based on witch hazel can also be found, such as leaves and bark, in herbalist’s shops and specialized pharmacies.

The benefits: When witch hazel can be useful

For febrites, varicose veins, varicose vein ulcers, hemorrhoids (which are felt in the first heat). The plant’s functionality decreases venous stagnation, strengthening the walls and permeability of blood vessels.
In acute diarrhea. For inflammation of the gums and throat, thanks to the anti-inflammatory action of tannins.
In the case of hemorrhoids, it is possible to make external compresses soaked in a decoction of bark. In cosmetics it is used for its astringent, lightening action with a refreshing and anti-reddening effect. For capillary fragility and varicose veins you can use the ointments on the market that do not eliminate the problem but light up the varicose veins.
The herbal tea works well in the case of diarrhea and gargles always made with herbal tea or decoction reduce inflammation of the throat and gums.
In herbal medicine it is used as a first aid remedy for its astringent properties.

Witch hazel, a powerful homeopathic remedy

Hamamelis virginiana is also a homeopathic remedy obtained from the fresh bark of the twigs and root. It is prescribed to those who suffer from the lack of appreciation and respect from others becoming lonely and depressed. If sick, they become restless and irritable (remember that homeopathy treats the whole person with psychic and physical symptoms). Physical symptoms consist of inflamed varicose veins and hemorrhoids, bleeding (heavy menstruation or epistaxis). The symptoms improved with fresh air, reading and speaking. The deterioration occurs with hot and humid air and with movement.

by Abdullah Sam
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