Winter cleaning: how to deal with cold water, dust and moisture

Housekeepers know that keeping it clean is not an easy task. In winter, thanks to the low temperatures, reconciling tasks with the cold of the season becomes even more difficult.

Despite the desire not to go out under the covers, it is really necessary to take some extra care with cleaning the house – and other environments as well, such as the workplace – to avoid a series of diseases typical of the season.

In this post we have separated some essential tips that will help you suffer less from the cold when cleaning in winter!

1. Open the windows

We are aware that keeping the places closed makes them much more warm and cozy in winter. But this is one of the characteristics that make this season the season with the highest incidence of developing respiratory diseases.

It is important that the environment is open for at least 1 hour during the day – especially when cleaning – so that the air is exchanged, in order to avoid the proliferation of mites and the appearance of mold. In addition, the sun’s rays break the icy air, killing fungi and mites.

2. Heavy cleaning

Before the cold intensifies, try to clean your house. Tidy up your wardrobes, put your stored items in the sun, clean your cabinets, carpets, furniture, shelves, etc.

Thus, you will leave the environment more organized and clean during the season, eliminating the need for more rigorous cleaning in the midst of low temperatures.

Also take the opportunity to wash your bedding. Keep sheets, pillowcases, covers and comforters always clean and smelling to avoid the accumulation of mites and fungi.

3. Enjoy the heat

Dealing with water in winter is perhaps one of the most uncomfortable things when it comes to cleaning. Thinking like that, give preference to perform tasks that involve you in hotter hours.

Leave it to wash dishes and clothes right after lunch, for example, when the sun is usually higher and temperatures are milder. In the case of clothes, this also helps the pieces to dry faster.

4. Keep the organization

Working to maintain the organization of the place helps to avoid the heavy lifting when cleaning. Always try to keep the rooms clean and organized on a daily basis.

As soon as you stain the stove, for example, take a clothand perform a quick cleaning, instead of letting other stains accumulate and having double work when cleaning everything. In the case of companies, if you let any liquid fall on the floor, for example, get a cloth to dry it immediately.

This tip is for all seasons, not just for winter cleaning!

5. Get rid of dust

When cleaning in winter, the last thing we want is to stir water because of all the cold. Therefore, bet on the use of utensils with high dust absorption capacity. Microfiber cloths are great options that absorb dirt without the need to be damp. In addition, they do not lift dust, helping with air quality.

You can also choose practical and differentiated products. Instead of using traditional cloths, buckets, squeegees and brooms, look for a Mop Spray , for example, which allows you to use the cleaning product with a trigger, preventing you from touching the cold water and the products.

Check The power of microfiber in cleaning

6. Bathroom  

In this season, the room is even more conducive to the proliferation of fungi and bacteria due to the humidity caused by very hot baths.

Facilitate evaporation and moisture absorption. After hot baths, the ideal is to keep your shower, floor and walls always dry. When cleaning, use sponges with a high absorption capacity.

Clean the bathroom whenever possible and, if you want to get rid of mold stains on the tiles or grouts, use a product like Up Clor , which diluted in water becomes the perfect ally for this task.

We hope the post helped! And remember that cleaning the environment in which we live is important not only in winter, but also in all other seasons.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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