Why on WhatsApp I get the message in English voice message

It is possible that, in recent weeks, you have noticed that when you receive a voice message on WhatsApp , the legend voice message appears , in English, instead of in Spanish.

This legend in English only appears in the notifications we receive from the instant messaging application. At the moment we enter the corresponding chat we see that it notifies us of the voice message without major complications.

But don’t worry, that notification in English does not mean that you have configured anything wrong on your smartphone. Nor that WhatsApp has been hacked as many users have feared. This is a bug that has appeared to many users since the security patch update that reached some phones at the end of April, which seems to not work well.

There are also users who have noticed that, in addition to the voice message appearing when we receive an audio message, there are also problems when sending ours. Some people see how the button to send voice messages takes them to the recorder , instead of allowing them to send the message directly from WhatsApp as usual.

This is a problem that can be a bit annoying, but it is not serious and does not imply that you will have major problems when using your phone.

What does voice message mean in WhatsApp notifications

If you are wondering what voice message means in WhatsApp notifications , first of all, calm down.

Although we have commented that it is a bug in the application, it only affects the language of the notifications , so you can continue using the messaging tool without problems.

The only difficulty you will run into is simply that the notification that you have a voicemail will appear in English. But it is a notification the same as when you find the voice message that usually appears when we receive audio. It is not warning you that you have a problem, but simply that someone has sent you an audio.

Thus, if voice message appears in WhatsApp notifications, it is simply indicating that you have a new audio message . Enter the corresponding chat and you will be able to listen to it without problems, as if it had come out in Spanish.

It is true that finding notifications in English can be a bit annoying and disconcerting, but in principle it is nothing you have to worry about .

How to put WhatsApp notifications in Spanish

If you have encountered this problem, you are surely wondering how to put WhatsApp notifications in Spanish to have everything in your language.

In principle, the notifications will appear in the language in which you have configured the mobile. Therefore, you should not have to do anything to get notifications in Spanish. But you have to remember that the voice message is due to a bug in the app .

Therefore, the solution we have to avoid it is to simply wait for a new update to appear . By the time the mobile is updated, it is most likely that this problem has been corrected and notifications in English will stop appearing.

It can be a bit frustrating not being able to do anything to put WhatsApp notifications in Spanish, but since it is an application problem, we can only wait .

In the meantime, if you receive a notification saying voice message, keep in mind that it is simply telling you that you have a new voice message .