Why Long Tail Keywords improve web positioning?

 Discover the power of long tail keywords in improving your web positioning. Tap into the potential of niche markets, intent, and voice search to drive relevant traffic to your website.

The Long Tail keywords should become your best strategy to attract as much traffic as possible, since they are characterized by being very specific , so they are usually very useful for specific searches that work to direct a particular audience to your site.

In the following article, we will explain better what Long Tail is, how to use it and how it can improve the SEO positioning of a website.

Why Long Tail Keywords improve web positioning?

Long tail keywords can significantly improve web positioning for several reasons. Here’s a table outlining these benefits:

Aspect Explanation
Higher Relevance Long tail keywords are more specific, often capturing the exact intent of searchers, leading to more relevant traffic.
Less Competition These keywords face less competition as they are more niche, making it easier to rank higher in search results.
Increased Conversion Since long tail keywords are specific, users searching with these terms are often closer to a point of purchase.
Better Content Focus Using long tail keywords helps in creating more focused and detailed content, which can improve user engagement.
SEO Friendly Long tail keywords align well with Google’s algorithms that favor topic relevance and user intent.
Diverse Traffic Sources They enable targeting of different query variations, broadening the potential traffic sources.

Each of these aspects contributes to why long tail keywords are a strategic choice for improving web positioning.

  • Long Tail keywords are characterized by being longer phrases and, therefore, more specific. The advantage of these is that they have much less competition and by attacking them, it is much easier for users to get to your website.
  • Long Tail words are characterized by being a phrase of 3 words or more. To better understand how the Long Tail works, we can take up the previous example.
  • If our keyword is shoes, as we mentioned earlier, the competition will be very high and the chances of them getting us will be very low.
  • However, if we add the Long Tail “to play soccer” or “to exercise at the Gym in Madrid” to the keyword shoes, the searches will be reduced to those terms, discarding all the pages that do not have these terms and, for hence, increasing the chances that your website appears.
  • If you have a small business, using Long Tail Keywords is the best strategy to beat potential important competitors in the market. For this reason, you must learn how to use Keywords to start increasing your web positioning and, therefore, your sales.

How to get keywords that help me in SEO positioning?

There are several options and tools to get good Long Tail. However, the best option will be to be creative and write as keywords what you can offer to users and clearly identify your products or services.

SEO tools like SEMrush

It is a very useful tool that gives you some good ideas to use as a Long Tail. Simply enter the keyword you want to rank for and the SEMrush platform will tell you some options with little competition.

Use the options that Google gives you

Although it may not seem like it, using the options that Google throws at you is a very good idea, since they are based on people’s search criteria. So it is worth typing your keyword in the search engine and writing down some Long Tail.

Using Geolocation

The Geolocation tools is also useful because by allowing Google to know your location, it will be able to redirect users adjacent to your website.

In conclusion, long tail keywords are an invaluable asset in improving your web positioning. By embracing these longer, more specific keyword phrases, you can enhance relevance, target niche markets, and cater to voice search users. Additionally, long tail keywords allow you to tap into the power of intent, establish yourself as an authoritative source, and potentially secure a coveted featured snippet. Don’t overlook the potential of long tail keywords and unlock the true potential of your online presence.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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